
Just when I thought Oleg couldn't get any cuter, he brings out his American accent. Adorable!

Yes and I'm pretty sure he was happier in that scene than any other this season.

And even though they took the time to get fully dressed, they were only 3 steps behind Team Grimm on the way out the door…

When does Colbert take over for Dave?

Several people did comment on Megan's dress & that it likely indicated her not being able to spend as freely as the past or that she was losing her on trend style of past seasons. I think you're right about the desperation aspect. Not only the dress but the hair & make-up was over the top, especially considering how

and no facial hair!

It ended when Don was afraid his secret would be revealed. He went to her apartment and asked her to run away with him.

I'm hoping this is the last we'll see her but I have a feeling she will show up again.

It will be interesting to see how they handle the relationship between them.

French catholic is not like Roman catholic in its strictness. It is not a religious country and divorce is really not a big deal.

If you want to play with that plastic bag over your head, you better make sure the dress it was holding isn't wrinkled!

They had bumpits in 1970?? lol I remember really annoying commercials for them in the 90s.

ha ha. No way to win in that conversation!

Or his old one

I'm pretty sure it was only Dylan that saw him. Was that when Emma was asleep in the chair in Norman's room?

He did however feel very guilty about cheating with Hilde and even confessed to his wife & ended up sleeping in the office until she let him move back in.

"Imagine. A thing like that!"

They are definitely an awful bunch of people but they obviously have their own money. I never saw any indication that Don was supporting them.

"I practically want to call him Dick at this point."

Don/Sally & Don/Peggy are hands down my favorite relationships of the show as well.