
Very interesting observations. I think you're absolutely right about him not wanting to know Diana and the fact that she spilled out her story with no prompting or follow-up questions proves he has no interest in sharing her pain or discussing his own.

Thanks. Smart move!

I'm rewatching the series & checking old comments as I go since I only recently starting posting here.

This show does not get the recognition it deserves. It may not quite be at the level of Mad Men, Breaking Bad or The Americans (which also doesn't nearly get the accolades it should) but IMO it comes close to that level of excellence this season.

I agree. Gene was creepy and I also got a weird pedo vibe from him. I kept expecting him to do something inappropriate with Sally but was so glad they didn't go there.

Love your comment about the different genres, spot on!

I didn't recall him mentioning her wanting to stop & he couldn't. That makes it definitive. Thanks for that clarification.

I agree Harry made Don think that way & the $1M was partially out of guilt but I think that excuse is bullshit.

Dylan's response that no questions should be asked of Norma at that moment was pretty great as well.

I am not sure if you're referring to a comment I made last week but even though Caleb seemed to admit to rape I think the wording was still vague.

Can we have a moment of silence for the Mercedes? I miss it already.

Seriously, Highmore was brilliant in this episode. The bird scene was disturbing enough but then we had his taking on the Mother persona (which he nailed!) and then that glare at Caleb at the end!

I almost forgot about Cody. What happened to her?

Easy to say that when she is used to being supported and not thinking about the cost of living her pseudo-bohemian lifestyle.

Just add it to the list of topics to discuss with their therapists. I'm sure Betty will have a colleague to recommend to them in a few years.

And then all of a sudden he's sitting on a couch with a drink in his hand. Brilliant!

This is random but aren't Megan's hair extensions a little over the top? I can understand if she were on a shoot but were they commonly used in 1970? Wouldn't she be ironing her hair straight at this point or am I confusing the trend timeline?


I would consider her a working actress more than a successful one. Her small role on the soap did grow but her acting skills were criticized by the director when she started playing twins because she wasn't playing them differently.

I thought the check meant there would be no final meet with the lawyers.