
When he walked into the empty apartment, I was so hoping he'd pick up the phone to call his bank to do just that.

They live in Canada but Marie is French and the husband is an atheist.

It doesn't matter. It will just make her realize that her own mother is to blame for Betty's problems. Even with the psychology classes, it's unlikely she'll become self-aware enough to think she is actually the cause of what will undoubtedly be many years of therapy for all of her children.

I'm hoping that Phil actually will start acting like a productive member of this new society and that some appreciation will be shown for him bringing everyone together and he will get some of the positive attention he has been craving.

It's funny but I have been forgiving pretty much all of Carol's bad behavior & odd quirks because compared to Phil, she is Mother Theresa. I totally understand why Melissa & Todd like her. She's truly bizarre but she has a good heart and has shown to care about others as opposed to acting purely out of self-interest.

friggin' Todd!

They basically said they had been sleeping with each other, didn't they? I don't remember the exact comment but it was something about now that there is a man around, they can close that chapter.

I agree these episodes were funnier than the last few weeks.

Watching January Jones in this & Mad Men back to back reinforced to me that she can't act. I love her as Betty but other than the hair, make-up & wardrobe, she plays both characters identically.

I still don't buy it. I don't think Betty is dumb but speaking a foreign language is not like riding a bike, you need to use it to maintain the skill. It was also a spur of the moment trip so she didn't have much time to re-learn.

I bet if she weren't being supported by Don, she would have shown a great deal of regret for leaving what could have turned into a lucrative career.

I probably would take the money if offered but unfortunately for me, I can't imagine ever being as much of a bitch as she was for it be offered just to be rid of me.

I was trying to pinpoint when I started disliking Megan and that moment with Stephanie is definitely it.

She left her job with notice because her very successful husband was supposed to be moving to California for work. It's not like she stormed out, leaving a bad impression.

She's projecting all of her anger & frustration at her own failures and those of her family onto Don. Somehow he is the source of all of her pain. It's why she has become so unlikable to me.

I don't think she was that well paid in the soap. Didn't Don even make a comment about her not making much at one point? I can't remember who but it was a flippant remark when someone mentioned that he was lucky his wife worked.

"The part that bugs me is that she left her mother to take care of things, knowing Marie was in tirade mode. It doesn't sit right."

Yikes, I forgot about the au pair. That was truly horrific. Just when I was starting to feel sorry for him…

You could be right and I believe it was intentionally ambiguous but that is my take on it. It'll be interesting to find out more about her relationship with the family since it seems the only one she can tolerate is the Dad.

You think Trudy is more of an entitled brat than Megan?!