
Ugh please don't bring back the Barretts! Would love to see Dr. Faye though.

ha ha. Her speaking Italian to me is still one of the most unrealistic things depicted in this show. IIRC, she spent a summer in Italy when she was modeling.

She is the one who reached out to him. She knows what a cad he is and even though I felt sorry for her when he was such a dick to her, it really shouldn't have been that much of a surprise, especially for an actress in those days.

Joan used to be one of my favorites but she has gotten downright nasty lately. It seems the more successful and rich she becomes, the more miserable she is and she treats everyone around her horribly.

I lost interest in that show long before the finale. It was one of those "Is that show still on the air?", kind of like Gray's Anatomy now. Every time I see a commercial for it I am shocked that it is still on despite all the quality shows that get cancelled after a few episodes.

Who would have ever thought Pete would become a somewhat sympathetic character.

Harry is so much worse than Pete now!

I didn't mind Megan in the beginning but really grew to really dislike her, especially this season since she continues to eat up screen time when it was clear the relationship was over a long time ago.

I was so bummed we didn't see Sally tonight. She better feature prominently next week!

Or it could be Sylvia or Rachel or Midge or his stepmotherā€¦

Love the irony in Betty going to school for psychology though. Don's response was classic "That ought to be fascinating for everyone involved".

I agree it didn't seem like new territory for Peggy, including being propositioned by a woman.

He couldn't survive a Cicero alley scam but he made it through the apocalypse!

Art Vandelay

I thought that was one of the funniest moments of the hour. Loved when Carol *slyly* sidestepped to block her *improvement* of Van Gogh.

I'm just hanging in there waiting to see what happens as well. I really want to like this show because I think it's a great concept and if done well, could be excellent but as of now it's not super compelling.

I agree. Bad writing in an attempt to 1. give Barb another chance to show ignorance 2. To make the viewers think the fiance is black or maybe dark-skinned Hispanic before finding out she is Asian.

His fiance isn't Asian, she's "an Asian". lol

I thought that was weird too. She basically just shrugged and changed the subject. Not sure what they wanted us to feel but I certainly don't have any sympathy for these 2 racists!

"This would seem to me to be a solid case"