
I disagree with the majority of the review but I do think something is off with Aubrey & the brother. From what I recall, we've only had 2 scenes of them together & both suggested that they had some sort of "inappropriate" (for lack of a better term since.we don't know exactly what happened) relationship. I did get a

Wow, that video is so much funnier than any of last night's sketches!

I felt sorry for Taraji having to do a lot of what she had to last night! What a disappointment after the last 2 great episodes.

I occasionally find it distracting too since I occasionally see them filming or at least see the posters indicating where they are shooting so I'm always trying to figure out where they are. I heard they are shooting on LI more since it is more nondescript.

I haven't watched the show in awhile but decided to last night to see if I was missing anything and if this is a typical episode, the answer is definitely no!

Yes, that has come up and I think many viewers have the same doubt. It will be interesting how the writers handle that and if finding out Gabriel lied to him will be the last straw for Philip.

I don't think he has a clue she's a Soviet spy. He probably thinks it's corporate espionage.

I'll bet he's never been up against anyone like Elizabeth though. He is drastically underestimating her.

They can definitely make his life more difficult if they find out he's not working hard enough. And if that doesn't work, they can threaten his family, although they may have already done that.

I'm not sure about this either. Was she upset when they brought up going to Russia? I thought she was going to ask if she could go.

Philip & Liz seem more cohesive than they were but I don't think Philip will want to miss out on that convo. I think they should have Henry spend some quality time with his buddy Stan so the 3 of them can have a lengthy discussion uninterrupted.

I hope Clark (and the Centre) realize what an asset she is and don't do anything crazy…

Those are my all time best series finales for sure!

Beverly as Bar Mitzvah mom sounds awesome. Can't wait for that!

I don't always watch it but Will Forte & Kristen Schaal were funny last night.

Of course it will still be gross and will likely crush what soul remains in Philip. I really hope they don't go there but it would be a tiny bit better if she is at least at the age of consent.

Hadn't thought about that. The Soviets didn't have access to any non-commercial flights that she could sneak onto?

And I'm sure everyone who applied for those Visas were heavily screened and watched if there was even a hint of suspicion.

I can't imagine they would let her go for a month. It would be a quick trip for her to see her mother one last time and for Paige (if she goes) to bond with her mother and get a glimpse of where her parents come from.

You make good points as well. I have friends who work/have worked at prestigious firms in NYC but I'm not sure if the same snootiness would apply in a place like Santa Fe.