
Oh I completely misinterpreted that.

Have you ever met a teenage girl IRL? I think these are pretty typical traits even for well adjusted teens whose family lives aren't a complete lie.

Yep, he's proven his worth by convincing Lisa to spy and also signed his death warrant by threatening Elizabeth.

That's what I was thinking. His concern is that Lisa could lose her job. The thought that their freedom or their lives are in danger has not occurred to him.

I'm pretty certain he was abusive. Didn't Lisa admit that to her earlier this season? I believe that's why she encouraged Lisa to leave and offered her the house.

I've forgotten a lot of details from earlier seasons so my plan is to rewatch from the beginning at some point before next season.

Well sure "they can see it from their house" ;)

ha ha I swore by that stuff in my teenage years!

I wasn't sure what to think about that scene but I think you're right. The raw emotion Nina showed made me question whether this was part of her plan or if she was being sincere but that's the beauty of it.

Maurice is in way over his head.

Completely ironic. I love how Elizabeth was dead serious when she said it as well. I don't doubt that she loves her son but she has no clue how his mind works.

Not to mention that I've never found so much as a dollar, let alone $100k. ;)

They have to reward them somehow, right? Plus with them being so ingrained into US culture I would think they would want them to retain some emotional connection with Russia.

Yes the plan for the 2nd gen spies is a long game or at least that would have been the plan.

Well they had no intention of the scientist coming back so it really wasn't a concern.

Definitely. Perhaps that's what Philip has in mind when he said he thinks he's figured out a way for Elizabeth to go.

I think you mean USLF

I thought Paige was going to say "I wanna go with you" when Philip said he wants Elizabeth to go.

I was waiting for something to slip about Zinaida during that scene!

Yep and he's one person I will not be sorry to see go.