
When he mentioned the kids being in the car, the cringe factor went through the roof!!

I know it was wishful thinking but after not seeing her in the promos, my hopes were up!

I think it's in his best interest to stay unmarried (same with Roger) but my guess is that he will need to remarry. Not sure if we'll see it by season end though.

There was a point when the company wasn't doing well that all of the partners had to pay an additional $50k but Pete didn't have the cash so Don paid it for him. My memory on the details is fuzzy as well but I am sure Don did it to ensure Pete would remain quiet.

I was trying to recall when I first heard of that scam.

He'll always be Lenny to me.

golden delicious!

Do you think Chuck had a hand in banishing Kim? How would he have communicated that to Howard? It took all the strength he had to use a cell phone to let Howard know not to allow Jimmy on the Sandpiper case. I doubt he had involvement with the firm other than when Howard stopped by to discuss money earlier in the

Chuck is absolutely the one who refused to hire Jimmy when he passed the bar. That's probably the first time he made Hamlin do his dirty work.

Yes he was.

Oh don't you worry. Something bad will definitely come to Chuck. It's just a matter of when.

Can't entirely forgive him for Kim's banishment or Hamlindigo blue but he's a saint compared to what most of us thought of him prior to last week's episode.

I was trying to figure out where I knew her from. Good call.

oops my bad. For some reason I thought they said it was Harry. Weren't they hooking up at some point?

No idea but I can't wait to find out!

I completely forgot Ken was there and you're absolutely right. Ken was shocked that Pete even let the conversation go past them saying that Joan was married.

I remember how they met but I thought the symbolism was more about the fur itself being how he started and what eventually led him to Roger and his career in advertising.

I think it will be equally satisfying. Roger derailed his writing & fired him but he has been in direct competition with Pete since the 1st season and I'm sure he resents that the partners chose to bring Pete when they started the new firm leaving Ken to rot at McCann.

Yes I thought the same thing. I believe she was the first person other than Anna that he told.

I forget who mentioned it but apparently Harry knocked her up so she had to leave because she was "big as a house". No idea if they're still together or if Harry is officially divorced.