
We'll have to agree to disagree. I don't see the injustice, as I said all of the other partners invested money or brought in substantial amounts of money which contributed directly to the bottom line and that is what earned them their stake in the firm.

For profit business are not meritocracies and I just don't see the injustice being done to Joan. Sure she's valuable but is she any more so than Peggy or Ken or… You can't make everyone a partner, there is not enough to go around.

Absolutely it was the only way she would ever become partner but that doesn't mean she deserves it or should have felt entitled to it.

You should really catch up NOW! Last week's episode was amazing.

I just made a similar comment upthread.

Agreed. She doesn't have the tact or willingness to temper her feelings required. VP Operations or something along those lines makes more sense.

I definitely want to see more of Betty and hope we see that emotionally she has become an adult but I have my doubts. Bitchy/petulant Betty is fun to watch anyway.

They met while Betty was modeling a fur coat but I don't think he had anything to do with hiring her or directing her since that was not his role. He was just a sales clerk in the store.

Not sure yet if they are ok now but if they are it is only because Don was instrumental in Roger's deal to sell to McCann and now she is getting even more $ than if the company IPO'd when she wanted.

I don't disagree that Joan has been very valuable to the firm but IRL you don't get a partnership for being a great employee "that's what the money is for!"

I'm sorry but none of her contributions would have gotten her a partnership. Look at all Peggy has done for the company and noone has ever mentioned she should become a partner. IRL you don't become a partner in a company just by being a valuable employee, "That's what the money is for!"

I was wondering if we'd see Jim again. Dd anyone notice if Harry's name is still in the credits?

Am I the only one glad they didn't have any mention of Manson/ Now we can move on from the Megan/Tate rumors and be rid of Megan once & for all??

Have you watched BCS? Odenkirk is brilliant in it.

She blames Don for the company not going pubic which theoretically would have made her about $1M.

I know she looks at it like Don lost her that money but honestly, it was hardly a done deal.They hadn't even told all the partners about it and it's not just as simple as having a potential source price the company. Many things could have happened to derail the IPO. Also, she wouldn't receive the bulk of it for years

Joan has certainly proven to be valuable to the company in many ways however, she would have been considered a valuable employee and would have gotten raises & promotions for her work but not been given a partnership. It was her choice (upon Lane's suggestion) to explicitly negotiate the terms of her night with Jaguar

Joan is the ultimate "mean girl". There are times that I adore her but she has a natural defense mechanism to lash out at people viciously and never looks within for the cause of her problems.

I still don't know who kristina hendrickson is? Is she an actress or character?

Burials must occur within 24 hours of death. The family sits shiva for 7 days and mourners visit during that time.