
I'd say more of an eau de reefer for Stan's signature scent.

My vote is still for Don as hottest but Stan is a close 2nd.

Absolutely. Joan looked ready to pounce on those assholes. If Peggy weren't there to take the high road, I think Joan would have handled it less professionally which they certainly deserved but would have ruined their chances to get what they wanted.

Exactly. Roger made it a condition of the severance that he paves the way with all of his clients with Pete. Now Pete will have to sweat it out on his own.

I thought the murder vision was also in a dream.

I thought it was going to be someone he knew growing up. I still don't see any resemblance to either Midge or Rachel other than the hair.

I'm really excited to see how this plays out. I would have been happy for the character if he were able to go off, buy a farm and write his epic novel but would have been bummed not to see him the rest of the season.

That makes sense. Similar to how they cast a very un-Don Draper-looking kid to play Dick Whitman in the flashback scenes so that the viewers question how this awkward kid becomes the ridiculously handsome and confident man that he does.

I'll admit the season is a bit hazy and there is no doubt that Don is an asshole & deserved to be fired but the primary reason he derailed the Jaguar account is because he couldn't tolerate the asshole who would only give them the account if Joan slept with him.

I firmly believe this is Jon Hamm's year. Bob can have next year.

I used to LOVE Joan but have been disappointed with her lately, especially with her attitude towards Don who was the only one who showed her respect, but also with her comment in the elevator last night.

Let's say above the neck & below the waist. He looked great in those jeans.

Yea but think how much satisfaction he will get from humiliating Pete.

You take that back about Stan. He looked H-O-T!!

I agree. They could have found someone with a much better likeness of Rachel if they wanted us to believe she reminded Don of her.

I thought it morphed into more than that but it seemed to be about the boring business BS (conference calls on that damn contraption, etc.) and now his role is creative which he always enjoyed.

I'm sure it has its own feed by now

I noticed that too. However, Don has closure with Midge so Rachel is the first "other woman" with whom he has unfinished business.

Better than no mention or sighting of her at all in the final season though.

That's exactly how I feel. I liked her in the beginning but wish they had phased her out at the end of season 6 when it was brutally clear the marriage was over.