
Anyone taking bets on whether CSI: Cyber makes it past May 17?

Wishful thinking?

I admit to an occasional hate watch but maybe an episode or 2, not 3 seasons and then spend time hate commenting every week on top of it.

It's easy to get caught up in all the intrigue when watching shows like this and turn everything into a conspiracy! ;)

Exactly. She IS being truthful when she says those horrible things in the Soviet Union are not true because that is what she needs to believe.

I am so interested in finding out how Paige is going to deal with the news. It really can be taken in so many directions and still remain true to the show.

I haven't read the 2nd book yet but I am really looking forward to seeing this. I have a feeling it is going to make me want to adjust my plans so that I can visit Hampton Court when in London in a few weeks.

Has anyone commented on Melissa George's very strange accent in the show? I haven't a clue what she is going for but it is bizarre and distracting.

It is very interesting for sure. Now it makes total sense why they decided to make the scene with Hamlin & Jimmy in the mailroom soundless other than the copier noise.

I absolutely agree. However, having a strong disliking for these characters does not give someone the right to spew vitriolic attacks at anyone who disagrees with him.

I was trying to think of who is in that category & forgot about Dinklage. I really think McKean deserves a nom for this week's episode though.

Oh believe me, she is consulting with the DA about that incident as well! ;)

Relax, it was a simple question.

That seems to be a common complaint and if this were just about any other show I would agree with you. However, having many subplots seems true to the life that they live and it makes sense to me that they would spend more or less time on certain issues based on what is most important to their mission.

I wish I had your foresight!

I started watching this show because I figured how bad can it be with such a good cast. Boy was I proven wrong!

I remember him looking at the vending machine and thought it was a stretch for him to be suspicious about that considering they were in a diner and she had presumably just eaten. I know she loves her Milky Ways but passing one up doesn't necessarily mean she's a spy!

I laughed out loud when hearing the Pastor say that he'd go easy on the God stuff during a Church Mission. Yeah, right!

Thanks, I'm fairly new to these boards.

But did he really have anything to go on when he started questioning Zinaida's motives? It seemed to me he was grasping at straws for a way to make a deal for Nina's return and the fact that Zinaida is actually a spy is a fortunate coincidence.