
Recognizing irony doesn't seem to be a strong suit of hers.

Do you even read your own posts? By saying you hope they are tortured mercilessly, it's obvious you are encouraging torture.

Then by your own logic that "one is bound to be loyal to one's country", Philip & Elizabeth are not amoral murderers, they are loyal nationalists.

She tried but he didn't seem interested so she is attempting another way to earn his trust.

Why do you continue to watch this show if it upsets you this much?

lol so torturing people is not only morally ok with you, it should be encouraged? Interesting

So if there were a show set in the same era with undercover CIA agents integrated into Moscow culture, would the murders and deception they commit be alright with you because they would be for the cause you feel is the right one?

This is a drama about Soviet spies living in America during the Cold War. What exactly were you expecting when you decided to watch this show?

But they can't keep stringing her along because it is part of their mission to recruit her!

Sure it's supposed to but they are human (at least Philip is) and their feelings have gotten in the way before.

Aside from it being important on a human/parental level, it is crucial to have her trust when it is revealed to her that the KGB now expects her to continue her parents' work.

I had no idea. Surprised they wouldn't have it on hand to use when necessary.

That theory has been around for awhile. I'm not sure I buy into it but there is definitely something off about him.

Typical victim mentality… ;)

Wow, well done The Americans!

I didn't think you meant in a romantic way but I just didn't see "loving" or affection in her look at all.

No way will Odenkirk win but I think there is a good chance McKean or Banks will for supporting.

I agree but I have a feeling something will happen soon that will prove to her that the danger is very real.

Their lives & jobs would've been significantly easier and less messy if they had known about Ricin!

Paige finding out the truth was inevitable for a few reasons but primarily because The Centre is pushing hard to recruit her.