
I didn't take Paige's look at Stan as loving. It was more of an "oh shit I forgot our next door neighbor and frequent dinner guest is in the FBI and I just found out my parents are Russian spies. This is fucked up!"

All these Justified comments are making me think I'm missing something by not watching it but I'm not sure I can handle more TV stress than I've gotten from BCS & The Americans this week!

I am pretty sure that's it. Luckily for them this is the 80s so it didn't take much to ensure she didn't reach out to the Pastor, at least that night.

That would be perfect. Hamm deserves the win since this is his last shot and to be chronologically fair it should be Rhys next year & then Odenkirk.

I just made a similar comment upthread.

I knew he wouldn't but I thought the same thing for a split second!

The drop did have to do with the Stan/Oleg show. Zinaida was informing them that someone from the Centre (or at least KGB) threatened her.

Interesting. I can see that happening and Stan remembering all the suspicious things that happened when he first moved next door to them.

And of course, the art of wig wearing.

Yes, I was in junior high in 83 and that's when I started watching soaps. My friends and I would go to one of our houses together after school to catch General Hospital at 3pm.

If they all had siblings. parents, cousins, etc. for everyone, it would be impossible for everyone to keep their covers.

I'm with you. The deliberate pacing gives the viewers enough time to absorb what is happening and how everything/one relates to one another but I rarely feel anything is being dragged on for too long.

Same here. Saw it coming ever since the annoyed look she gave Stan just before Oleg threatened her last week.

I have been thinking about rewatching this series for awhile and this is a great excuse!

I doubt his initial reaction to Kim had anything to do with sparing her feelings and was more likely him lashing out because he was irritated that Chuck made him be the bad guy once again.

I am not trying to defend Chuck at all. What he did was despicable. I'm just saying makes sense that he wouldn't give him a job right away. It is inexcusable that he kept him from coming on board for the Sandpiper case.

After giving this quite a bit of thought I can understand Chuck not wanting to give Jimmy a job when he first passed the bar. It came as a complete shock to him that Jimmy even had ambitions of becoming an attorney and it makes sense that he would question his competence after having to put up with Slippin' Jimmy and

Ha ha I remember that episode.

We still don't really know what went on between Jimmy & Hamlin from when he leaves HHM mailroom until the 1st episode of the show when Jimmy confronts him about the firm's treatment of Chuck.

I would love to see the whole investigation into Marion's death from Norman's perspective.