
I heartily disagree. I do feel bad for Dylan. He certainly has issues but they undoubtedly stem from Norma and her treatment of him for most of his life. He obviously has doubts about having Caleb at the farm but regardless of the (super creepy) circumstances, he is Dylan's father and there is doubt as to whether

I agree. He could have still proven the point that his research showed he wouldn't need a gun and then pulled it out with a smirk, saying something about not taking any chances.

Agreed. It's one of the reasons I don't think his character has been redeemed.

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I totally agree. Hamlin's douchiness is unrelated to his treatment of Jimmy.

Chuck gave him much more than a nudge in the wrong direction with his betrayal.

that's funny. Did anyone see Odenkirk on the Late Late Show last night? He talked about learning how to make cinnabons.

But would Saul even exist if Chuck didn't keep Jimmy from succeeding??

I think the tirade may have been due to his being sick of coming off as the bad guy when it comes to Jimmy when Chuck was the one pulling the strings.

I didn't even think about that but you are so right. I still think Hamlin is a douche but Chuck is so much worse.

Hmm. The moral I picked up was never come to a job without a pimento sandwich.

Not only blind to what Jimmy has done for him but also to the fact that Jimmy has become or is at least on his way to being a great attorney. The fact that he knew to get that spoliation letter ASAP to protect evidence and that he figured out the fraud in the first place (and Chuck missed it in his due diligence) is

I've been wondering the same thing. I don't want Chuck to have the power to destroy Jimmy again!

I rewatched it this morning too. That fake eye roll and bs reaction from Chuck killed me.

That's what is so devastating. I bet Jimmy would have been fine coming in as a junior associate even though he created the case just to continue working with his brother and trying to make him proud.

yea but he still made up Hamlindigo and took the cake after crushing Jimmy's dreams so I feel justified disliking him.

BCS has completely surpassed all expectations for me.

I commented last week that I thought Chuck had Hamlin do his dirty work by not hiring him as an attorney since a named partner could certainly pull his weight and hire him but I was still devastated tonight.

Then perhaps she should become a pro poker player and leave acting to people who know how to express emotions.

The problem is she is not playing the character any differently.