
I actually find her much more tolerable on Mad Men. Betty is supposed to be cold, bitchy and lacking in emotion.

That would actually be an interesting twist except that in the pilot, they show him driving all over the country over what I believe was several months.

I agree that the character is not rude or bitchy as written but unfortunately for the viewers, January Jones only knows how to play rude & bitchy so that is how she comes across.

I love the Carol character, probably due to Schaal's excellent portrayal of her.

My bad. I didn't remember. Thanks.

Have they actually said that it was a virus? I feel as though they purposely avoid any mention of what happened so they don't need to address the reality of the situation.

I hope you're right. I was feeling that after the first episode because something seemed to click in Phil at the end but then it was back to the same in the 2nd ep.

Agreed but isn't Forte one of the writers?

If they can find other sources of conflict besides Phil wanting to impress Melissa, it would be far more entertaining. That premise was funny for an episode or 2 but it's time to move on.

Sure he could have left Todd out there but if he were truly a "nice guy" he wouldn't have driven him out there with the plan to leave him in the first place.

I'm a big fan of Forte & Schaal so I really want to like this show but I am struggling. I don't have a problem with Phil being kind of a dick (in fact, it may be necessary for the dynamic of the show) however, the fact that all of his dickishness is directly related to him wanting to hook-up with Melissa is getting

I took the character to be creepy pedophile stereotype, not gay.

Sorry to confuse but wasn't meant to be literal, man. :)

I've always felt that Jost is doing a Seth Meyers impression at the Update desk. He really needs to find his own comfortable rhythm.

Speaking for the ladies, we're just fine with having plenty of guys like that around! ;)

She was almost disturbingly good as Durst!

That Alonzo scene was too much for me as well. I don't mind that the characters are stereotypical as I believe there are people like this in our world and throwing light on what makes people like that tick and how they deal with others is interesting.

I think that would've been worse. HHM would want to know the status and when they find out Chuck is working the case & Kim used her code to print research, then it's 2 HHM attorneys working on it. Even more leverage for them to push Jimmy out, although I'm sure they would have to offer him a finder's fee since he did

Nicely done!

Sorry but that just doesn't make sense. If she wanted to trap him, she would have immediately told the Feds so that they could catch him in the act. That would at least give her some leverage since by giving him up, she would be admitting to her own role in planting the bug in Gaad's pen.