I've started hoping the reason Wally West hasn't shown up in the New 52 is that DC's desperately/patiently waiting for Waid to express interest in returning and writing the Flash.
I've started hoping the reason Wally West hasn't shown up in the New 52 is that DC's desperately/patiently waiting for Waid to express interest in returning and writing the Flash.
No, man; Bill Pullman was in Aliens, Bill Paxton was in You've Got Mail.
I wish I had something more useful to say, but I, too, gave up the Geoff Johns Green Lantern ghost after Blackest Night. There's an important gulf between doing something because you "can" and "should" in storytelling, and his writing leading up to Blackest Night, and certainly moving forward, fell way too far on the…
Not for nothing (hopefully), but the physical Occupy Comics #1 is coming to local comic shops this week. It should have the J.M. DeMatteis story that was the highlight of my read of the digital #1, and the Alan Moore story, too.
Hey, I'm pretty sure Scott Weiland's never performed with Paul McCartney.
I love how even discussions about art these days have been reduced to, "Capitalism has made ethics irrelevant."
Though it was a horrible waste of potential, and paled in comparison to everything in the Newhart Canon (even to Bob - which still deserves to go down in sitcom history for the glorious "Superbowl/Guy Who Played Norm On Cheers/George Wendt" episode), I've really come to appreciate the inadvertent genius of casting…
You know, Psych is on it's way out, so they could find a spot in the cast for Chad the Delivery Guy from Explosion Gigantesca de Romance, if they really wanted to.
And it's not like it's the best-paced movie to begin with, but the nearly TV-commercial, "Hey, remember Miami Vice? Speedboats! White clothes! Beaches!" just demolishes any momentum the theatrical opening gives the movie, and really makes it feel like the opposite of a director's cut, like something the studio forced…
Good thing it doesn't sound like anyone told her about Mad Season; would've been a shame if that new remaster/issue got tied up.
Not that I'm "a fan" of Miami Vice to any real degree, but I vastly prefer the theatrical release to the director's edition. The difference in the opening just demolishes my ability to engage with the movie.
They better kill off another hobbit this season.
I was just going to hypothesize this was the real reason he came out against impeachment over the weekend.
You're telling me not one of these premises couldn't have been the shoehorned-in foundation upon which the retooled Up All Night was built?
So, the plan was for these "S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives" to storm the screening and then… what, exactly? Wave those two Phase One blu-ray cases in the audience's faces? Struggle to catch their breath?
Hit Girl vs Alonzo Harris! Kick-Ass and Jake can have a boring B-story where they talk about how they get way too far in over their heads all the time.
I believe they're Bollywood musicals.
And featuring Bill Clinton as the cranky neighbor from upstairs!
Turn Point Break into a reality show already!