upside down will arnett

"Currently active death crusade," …like the one reactionary Christianity has waged for years against low-income women right here in America?

I will always have a soft spot for Chriss' Valentine's day song:

Deftones were never nu metal. Maybe for like 20 seconds on Adrenaline, but that's it. Chino and the boys deserve better than this.

Using your own legs like a sucker…

Give me a hundred picnics' worth of ironic food Kickstarters over a single one from Zach Braff.

Hey, like the tiny sign I saw taped to a telephone pole by the side of the road once said, "Christian Rap Saves Lives." It had a link to a Facebook page - turns out it's a record label (or at least that's the category they clicked when they set up the page).

God, Holly Hunter would be great as The Question…

The only truly worthwhile stuff they've done since the New 52 started are the things most uncoupled from the new continuity: Adventures of Superman and Batman '66. There are more stunningly great moments of pure comics awesomeness in those digital stories than in the rest of DC's publishing output combined.

That's it; the unemployment crisis must end now!

If Bitcoin is currency, so were Pogs.

The Friendship Song was a brilliant idea from the moment it started, but Showalter's inane gibberish yelling at the end shot it into the stratosphere.

In my senior year of high school (the last of 13 years of Catholic school), I got introduced to the term "Cafeteria Catholic" by our religion teacher, who spent most of a class period ranting about how it's better for people who don't buy into everything the Church says to leave it entirely. On our last day of class,

Really? It's a Mario game that puts a psychotic emphasis on coin collecting. That's literally all you need to know, and Scott presented that information in a darn engaging way.

Also see: This Will Destroy You and Red Sparowes if you're not big into vocals, Isis and Intronaut if you're down with growling and howling, and Pelican if you just plain like to rock. The new Caspian EP is pretty great, too.

This obviously falls under the "adorable" umbrella, but I feel the raspberries from the Yo Zappa Do! episodes last season deserve their own mention.

Is that a tattoo of a fork on his hand?

It's small consolation that he had the best line of a non-Walter character in the whole run of the show ("Why are shapeshifting soldiers from another universe stealing frozen heads?"), but it's still a little consolation.

Seriously. That 1st Bank Center show for The Suburbs was perfectly serviceable, but this is as good a time as any to renew my demands for a weather machine that can create a perfect temperate bubble around Red Rocks and the road leading up to it 365 days a year.

That one where Bob's on the early morning talk show, and the host keeps ripping into him every time the camera turns back on.

When it was first showing up on Nick at Nite, they ran some of the best commercials I'd ever seen in celebration. There were four or five ads for parody shows like The Incredible Bob, Mr. Bob, and my personal favorite, Newhart: Impossible (which had Bob sneaking into an abandoned building, turning on the tape recorder