BrassBalls McLanahan

Good call on the Showgirls thing, and "Triumph of the Will meets Melrose Place" is hysterical, but I'm still not quite on board.  The campaign ads in the movie are obviously pointed, funny, and satirical.  Along with plenty of other bits and pieces, like the recruiter with no limbs.  And I know & love Total Recall and

Good call on the Showgirls thing, and "Triumph of the Will meets Melrose Place" is hysterical, but I'm still not quite on board.  The campaign ads in the movie are obviously pointed, funny, and satirical.  Along with plenty of other bits and pieces, like the recruiter with no limbs.  And I know & love Total Recall and

Alright, you guys - we gotta talk about this Starship Troopers thing.  I saw that movie on opening night, and it was universally accepted as a giant pile of shit that was occasionally a little funny.  Like when they said things like, "it sucked his brains out."  The discussion didn't change on it until a few people

Alright, you guys - we gotta talk about this Starship Troopers thing.  I saw that movie on opening night, and it was universally accepted as a giant pile of shit that was occasionally a little funny.  Like when they said things like, "it sucked his brains out."  The discussion didn't change on it until a few people

If you can get a bunch of grips, electrics, and Teamsters to sit down together and play 12 hours of Call of Duty together, you deserve a Nobel Prize.

These guys would've saved a ton of money if they had any idea that hairlines are passed through the mother.

It's a bummer, but that Mego bankruptcy is what killed it.  It's such a bummer when that happens, but even a short disruption for a kids' operation seems to end it forever.  Thundercats and M.A.S.K. ran into the same trouble, and even poor He-Man lost all of his juice after the show was over.  The stuff that's managed

Mr. Lorre
I think it should be mentioned that Chuck Lorre's birth name is actually Charles, which makes the whole "Chaim" or "Haim" or whatever other Jew-y sounding name Sheen assigned to him even crazier. It also means that Sheen and Lorre were born with the SAME FIRST NAME.

What's up with Landry's head? It looks like they just stuck the faces of newer cast member onto the leftover torsos of Panthers-past.

National Hero
Hey, remember how he used to be an Olympian?

The Twilight guy can be my wingman anytime.

You're gonna make me go to Brooklyn? On a weeknight?!?!?!

She might be the only creature with hairier arms than the real Jon Runyon.

Conway Twitty
I've been a Stewart fan since I first heard She's Actin' Single when I was a kid (right up my dad's alley), but there's a weird phenomenon with him & that song in particular. For some reason, it often gets credited to Conway Twitty, who doesn't sound anything like him. To this day, if that song comes

Won't somebody please think of the editors?
Hey, I'm an editor! Why's everybody always trying to cut me out?!?! I can't work on reality shows forever. But all selfishness aside, I have to agree about 90% with this article. The fact that everyone that talks about this movie (which I really like, by the way)

Stache Party
I'll commission a Ditka from you for $500. Same price for painting the profile picture over there.

We all laugh, but doesn't it look a little bit tasty? But I thought the same about the KFC Famous Bowl, and that didn't work out so well for me.

My favorite Merle Haggard anecdote is that he was in the audience for the legendary Johnny Cash shows at San Quentin. And he was also the subject one of of my all-time favorite Onion articles, which I feel should be mentioned here. You're welcome.

If you liked the execution but not the ideas, I'd suggest every awesome action movie ever.

Glad you're a full-on Parsons convert, Rabin. I started 5 years ago, and those tunes are still bouncing through my head constantly. And the covers bounce around in all their various versions.