BrassBalls McLanahan

Wait a minute, how do you know we should read The Road first if you haven't seen the movie? I think Tasha does a good job in this column (particularly the intro to this one) of not always blindly assuming that the book is "better," but since you haven't seen The Road yet, there's no way you could know how one medium

Real Reason
Oh, but Noel, you're forgetting the actual reason debuts are more beloved than their follow-ups. You can't discount how much people (okay, hipsters) love discovering things that no one else is into, and then crapping on things that other people have suddenly gotten into. So while I agree with everything

What is with these dudes and fire? Can't you just throw the list away like a normal person?

Phat Loot
If I remember right, didn't Nightmare Before Christmas turn out to be a big 'ol flop? At least until years later when the Hot Topic crowd fell back in love with it. If that's the case, it probably explains why nobody went to the trouble of spending years shooting a rip-off version.

I'm holding fast, man. Watch the movie first, because like Isaac said, everyone's just gonna bitch about the movie being different from the book, which is what everyone here has said will probably be their biggest problem with it. And don't attack me for saying this, but just because the movie's different doesn't

I'd suggest, as I usually do, that you watch the movie first. That way, you can just watch it on its own merits, and not spend the whole time playing that stupid game of, "is that the same, or different?" Because honestly, it doesn't matter. The book and movie are different and will always be different, and it's

Man, guess I was alone on this one. Me and Zodiac, that is. Whatever, he owns all your asses, anyway.

Hey man, I'm a film school grad, and I live in NYC, and I ain't got nothing bad to say about Dark Knight. Except that there should be sequels coming out every month.

Sorry guys…
There weren't 18 complaints. I actually just flipped out and complained 18 separate times. But then when I came here to talk about that obscene middle finger, I ended up seeing some dude's balls in his profile picture. That'll learn me.