
Darkest Dungeon is great.


Look 'ere, professor, we don't mind you coming round here to fuck our flower girls as long as you're open-handed. But if you start doing that thing where you identify where we're from based on our accents I swear to god we'll kick you to death right 'ere.

Salacious B Crumb

Boom na da mmm dum na ema
Da boom na da mmm dum na ema

No, no, no - I'll allow it.

And as long as we're keeping score, might as well recall that Hunter S Thompson was also a woman-beating piece of shit human being

"Southern man, keep your head, don't forget what the good book said" - Neil Young

Shirtless Ramsay gets stronger with each battle. Now they're not even showing the fighting.

Enh. I think you're allowed a few strikes when you're famous, because any shameful misdeed will be common knowledge about you for the rest of your life. We get to know about all of their lowest moments, sometimes in lurid detail, sometimes it's recorded… If any ordinary person had his or her worst moments public…

It can be two things.

Difficult. And problematic.

He was problematic.

Worse, the whole fight choreography will have a Pirates of The Caribbean feel, where the chance of a sword-fight resulting in a serious injury is practically zero

Or for that matter - he was his squire; he would have dressed him for battle and cleaned his wounds, the birthmark thing is no proof at all!

There's something wrong with your cock.

Home improvement was the best of the shlock. Still watchable. It used to come on before or after the Simpsons rerun.

He went out for the team.

I read the whole thing and most of the provided related article, 'the most disgusting thing a slut can say'.

A nice version of Henry Higgins is not at all true to the character. The guy's an asshole; his admission that he loves and needs Eliza comes in the form of, "I've grown accustomed to her face."