
"Between dogs and cats my degree of choice is so great that it would never occur to me to compare the two. I have no active dislike for dogs, any more than I have for monkeys, human beings, negroes, cows, sheep, or pterodactyls; but for the cat I have entertained a particular respect and affection ever since the

There are lots of classic movies with virtually no women in them. Great Escape, Lord of the Flies, Lawrence of Arabia

They had Vin Diesel raise a glass to him, think out loud "He'll always be with me and be my brother", and then they had him DRIVE OFF INTO THE FUCKING SUNSET AT THE END OF THE MOVIE

I bravely take a stand in solidarity with people who have needlessly been called "kiddo"

'Goblins and Gnomes' reads better.

FINISH! The fucking story. What happened?

This better not be another imaginary daughter scenario


Mayo all the way down

God no. McDonald's entrees are garbage, always

Dan Quayle praised Donald Trump for making a "great choice" in picking Mike Pence.

and then there's 'sereptitiously'

Margery's fine, she hid behind a trash bin when the wildfire went off

I suppose she was trying to kill them both. If Jamie had taken the bait she'd kill him and hide the body or something

Long live the incest twins. *Clink* Long live me! I'm sorry! I poisoned your wine! For the good of the land!…

You Southrons all drive like this. Back where I'm from, a little place we like to call THE NORTH, we drive like this!

You can just say survivalists.

Batman's a scientist.

Great comment. High Five.

Or at least some Jared Leto jism.