
We would _never_ do a google image search for lewd pictures of a respected commenter. Everybody knows that's what Bing is for.



but ownage :(

Pretty sure the old robot who lives in a pyramid in the second one rips a fart at some point.

The rules for Quidditch were obviously made up by a girl.

Hold on to your butts.

Your frame of reference was not helpful.

It's from the 'Every Move you Make sung at weddings', 'Born in the USA used on the campaign trail' class of unintentional irony.

It's AMC Regional Manager of Tits for Greater Tulsa.

Looks like you're the only one who remembers Amnesiac.

All we are is dust in the wind

Welcome to the jungle, sha-na-na-na-na-na-knees, knees.

'Walkers' in walking dead is a no-win situation, call them zombies and it sounds goofy, but nothing else sounds any better.

Shove it in your spoiler space.

Sugar Daddy doesn't denote permanence. Sugar Daddy suggests a fun lark where neither person is truly committed and the temporary nature of the relationship is part of the appeal - as soon as someone gets bored or runs out of money it's over.

To be even more fair Clinton _did_ consort with the Illuminati and arrange several murders. Stopped clock is right twice a day and such.

You were late.

They can't just write excuses for why Edna's not around anymore, they'd become unintentional meta-references to reason why the actress is unavailable.

That's one reason.