
Will I ever not laugh

If it wasn't, it might need changing.


counterpoint you learned a new word today.


Where's my monkey

And hire a new director and all-new cast.

You're glad a dog is dead.

Ricin Bran Crunch?

Apply yourself.

Nice post, socko.

The stupid thing about the ricin poisoning is that Walt tells Lydia she's been poisoned, for no reason whatsoever. Walt may be dying and beyond her revenge but his family is not, answering that phone call is endangering his family for no reason.

That's what the fantasy where he makes the box is about, he's daydreaming about what he'll do if he makes it out alive.

It was bullshit that they let Walt redeem himself and die a noble death, yeah.

This comment could have been anything. Anything.

The lydia is so ricin?

I started out enjoying this as a lark and now I want to see it happen.

That song fucking sucks. Fuck that song.

If I could have those five minutes back I spent reading about Robin Thicke and sexism, I would totally spend it educating myself about the effect of bulk mail subsidies. Shame.

Spelling ain't the hard part.