Crass the Lord

It's wrong to OWN a hoodie. Just ask George Zimmerman.

Still is.

No, they're both stupid, made-up fantasies. Because reality is complex and multi-faceted—and because sometimes there are no right choices, just various equally wrong ones—people invent ridiculous stories to hide their fear and uncertainty. The idea that Trump is a uniquely dangerous, Hitlerian Russian spy and fascist

We haven't. You're just incredibly gullible. Seriously: someone lies to you about the Spanish sinking the USS Maine, the Germans sending a secret telegraph to Mexico, the Lusitania being an innocent passenger ship, the North Vietnamese attacking us in the Gulf of Tonkin, and Iraq stockpiling WMDs, and now, this latest

Well it was war that led to the rise of Hitler in the first place. But to end slavery, yeah, that one was necessary. So it's 1:1, in a sense, if one takes the view that WW2 was just a continuation of WW1.

I think what Peter Berg is trying to hint at is that Mark Whalberg is the real Boston Bomber. Connect the dots, sheeple!

Werner Herzog's The Life of Joey Lawrence, the film so existentially dim that it caused over ten thousand suicides—all out of sheer, nihilistic despair. It was a huge hit in Germany, however, and the French thought it was hilarious.

Sorry to rain on your henderson, but I think it was a typo. But then, one should always seize the day, I suppose, and augie march through life boldly, else you'll just spend a dean's december like a dangling man, the victim of heartbreak (of which more die). Also: Herzog!

I'm having my whole bloated corpse launched into space, preferably in the direction of some plausibly inhabitable planets. 100,000,000 years from now, I'll be revived by an advanced alien culture. You'll all be long dead, but me? I'll be Flash… Gordon! Savior of the Universe! (I doubt the aliens will get the

When I die, my ashes will be kept in a giant scotch bottle, because of all the things I loved in life, that was the only thing.

Wendy's burgers are usually good and greasy, which is rare for fast food (unlike McDonald's, which are dried out as all hell). But best ever is a toss up between In N Out and Del Taco; the former for double doubles and honest-to-goodness freshly made (rather than frozen) french fries, and the latter for selling a

Is it kosher?

It's already shortlisted alongside Bazooka Joe comic strips, a pantomime act by an illiterate, cocaine-addicted lama from Central America, an episode of MacGyver, and Stephen King.

Not only is he not dead, he's president.

"And miles to go before I sleep.
And miles to go before I sleep."

Yeah, but generally speaking, states should spend money on things like schools, infrastructure, medicaid, etc. Oh, wait: this be America. Give it all to rich, famous people and call anyone who points out that plenty of other nations' governments are able to keep up their end of the social contract a spoiled Millennial

More like the Penis Illin' state.

Yeah, but think what that'll do to the orange market! Californians will be able to set their own prices practically. Wait, ain't I a Californian? Nevermind, let that bitch sink. I want some of that sweet, sweet pomological lucre.

"Hill clearly came to see professionalism as a poisonous lie, a fiction
she was forced into performing at the behest of parasites who
fundamentally did not care about her."

I'm pretty certain by now that the alt-right doesn't actually exist. It's like, two losers in Peoria, a thousand pseudo-muckraking "spies," and the rest trolls screwing with the previous two groups. Left-wing (or passes for a left-wing, which is just slightly to the right of Winston Churchill) internet "activists"