Crass the Lord

But there are numerous causes underlying that data, from the changing structure of the American family over those centuries, to general cultural attitudes, to the demands of an industrial economy, and, yes, straight-up misogyny. But trying to apply generalized concepts to individual actors (be they a person or a firm)

I just think people are being quick to assume discrimination based upon a statistical correlation. It could simply be that most female writers aren't interested in working for Adult Swim. Or living in Georgia, for that matter. I'm not presupposing Adult Swim isn't sexist, but I see no reason, based upon this data, to

Monopapoutsiphilia, I believe.

Tristram Shandy and the Satiricon could just as easily be called the same (not to compare those two with silly cartoons in terms of quality or artistic merit, of course). I don't see how there is anything wrong with being "stoner comedy," though. It was, I believe, Ovid who said that without Bacchus, there is no

Name one good writer who has been excluded from Adult Swim because she was a woman.

Not according to tampon commercials.

Eyes. Women menstruate from their eyes.

Mike Pence and Jim Webb are actually the same person. They just set up a mirror to make it look like there are two of them.

Except identity politics is actually destructive and harms the very groups those who adopt such views seek to aid. There is a reason that the rise of identity politics coincides with the vast redistribution of wealth away from marginalized groups and to the rich and powerful. By focusing on personal identity to the

"Sex" is offensive to the Transgendered, who have been oppressed for millennia by both mainstream, cisgender culture and Transsexuals who imperialize all discussion of Trans identities.

I know what you mean. I didn't find that joke funny, and I have a great sense of humor.


That sounds weirdly sexual to me.

To be fair, it's the Anti-Defamation League that's calling Pepe a hate symbol. Those guys aren't known for being rational and fair-minded, you know. They liken criticism of Israel to advocating ethnic cleansing and deny the Armenian Genocide happened.

My girlfriend is an octoroon (not sure if there's a way to say that that isn't racist) and my ancestors owned her ancestors. Thanks Ancestry.com! We have all sorts of weird, inappropriate shit we role-play, if you're wondering.

No, there'll just be a slow decline. The US government will attempt to make up for said decline by increasing imports of crude TV from foreign nations, and in order to keep prices low, they'll fund right-wing terrorist organizations in those nations with the intent of destabilizing unfriendly secular regimes.

What did you expect? A substantive policy debate? This is America! Personality flaws and accusations of unsavory opinions regarding races/sexes/America!! is 90% of the grade. The other 10% is how strong your handshake is, and Trump loses that one due to, you know, the hand thing.

To be fair, they don't apply much to journalists, either. Does no one remember Judith Miller?

Obama sure makes authoritarianism and plutocracy look cool! It's totally radical how he authorized military action in Syria despite the explicit failure to receive congressional approval! Like, that's literally something a radical, authoritarian politician would do, ignoring the legislatively-expressed will of their

Hey, Clinton was involved in the Civil Rights Movement, too. She just happened to be on the other side, campaigning for notorious racist and overall nutjob Barry Goldwater…