Crass the Lord

Crazy is the best. You don't know what your missing. Give me a Valerie Solanas-style psycho bitch, please. They are: 1) The most fun, since you never know what the hell she'll do next; 2) The best in bed; and 3) The most loyal, to a frightening degree. I should note that I find Cheryl Tunt to be the perfect woman,

You see, if Hipsters actually dressed like people from the past, it would be okay (since people in the past didn't dress THAT much differently from today, as all of those "OMG There's a Time Traveller in this Photo!" posts show). The problem is that they dress like absurd caricatures of olde timey people. People with

Bacon is an every-now-and-then treat, not an all-the-time treat. French fries are the all-the-time treat. French fries and chicken fingers with ranch dressing. Healthier than a calorically-equivalent amount of pizza or bacon, but still terrible enough for you that you don't feel like a prissy little ballerina for

I'm too punk to be angry. I'm just jaded and cynical. Thank Dad for alcohol. And Vicodin. And prostitutes. Things aren't going well for me, okay?

Isn't that how they teach young animator's to draw these days? The Disney-style of stiff, uninteresting, "on-model" animation? I sound like John K., but the guy has got a point.

It seems more related to Chelsea Manning to me, judging from what little bit we see here. A government employee whistle-blowing on nefarious corruption in the executive branch, who is also revealed to be transsexual? Of course, the media didn't help but rather skewered Manning (as it does anyone who spoils their

Good luck hitting the level cap with that build, dude. Go fighter/ mage or thief/mage. Choosing 3 classes is just setting you up for failure. Better yet: Can 2 ed sorcerers multi-class? They were super broken in that version.

Being Bantams, the smaller sizes were preferred, yes? Oh, to live in times such as that…

You people really care that random death #57 turned out to be not-death? You know, people survive all sorts of crazy bullshit in real life (or Real Life, if you prefer), and I don't hear too many people complaining, "aww, death is supposed to mean something. You can't have people survive 9/11 by hiding in a stairwell.

The Princess Bride (the book) sounds like it could very well (or Vera well) be a Nabokov novel. I suppose I'll have to read it, then, though I will read all of Inigo Montoya's words as if they were spoken in Mandy Patinkin's ridiculous Spanish accent.

Mixing Vicodin and Viagra would be hell. You'd be so horny, but the Vicodin would make it almost impossible to climax. Your poor girlfriend would be nothing but bruises afterward. Actually, that's kind of hot… I think I've thought of a new genre: Marathon Porn.

So it's like drunk uncle, but it won't be the same joke over and over again until you can't stand it. I'd see that. And Posehn is always welcome at my house for Christmas.

Is it like a Rick Moranis/ Dana Carvey dead career, where they had enough money to quit and wanted to raise their kids in peace, or the bad kind, where no one wants to work with you, like Faye Dunaway or Katherine Heigl?

Yeah, but wait until congress steps in to pass a law voiding all wills. You know they'll do it. Those guys love the mouse cock. They're born fellaters—fellators? fellatiaters?—eh, fuck it, they're whores.

To be fair, peeping toms seem quaint in these days of Bill Cosby date-raping and Dominique Strauss Khan, err, straight up violently raping women.

I'm partial to the John K. school: Screw the model; let's get weird!

I'll say the same thing I said after seeing Wild at Heart: I want to have Nicolas Cage's weird, demented babies. And I'm a man. That is all.

That's my pedophiliac ursine!

Wait, your rent, gas, and health insurance only add up to $350? Where do you live? Mozambique? Also, you're making $5,000 a month, and from your claims, spending less than $1,000. You should be in great shape, not "barely getting by." What do you spend your money on? Do you have a cocaine habit your leaving out? That

This just in, Bioware will now be making a movie, as well. But this time, the sexy monster-hunter will be known as a grey warden, and instead of elves being a nigh-extinct slave race, they'll be a nigh-extinct slave race that can turn into werewolves. It's a totally original idea, guys.