Crass the Lord

Time isn't a dimension, you goddamn relativists!

Or legal experience. Or teaching experience. Or construction experience. Medical experience is still profitable, but probably not for long, given the monopolization of hospitals and improvements in technology allowing the jobs of doctors and nurses to be outsourced to China, not to mention the constant push by

It's that they're publicly attacking the insurgent candidate who's pushing for actual governmental reform while going out of their way to shill for Clinton—a deeply conservative mainline politician with no interest in seriously attacking the roots of America's problems. If this incident occurred in a vacuum, you might

I don't see rich black people getting killed by cops that often. Most victims of police violence tend to be poor or working class, from what I've seen.

Eh, we're going extinct anyway. It's just a matter of how comfortable our last century is going to be.

He already has addressed this issue:

They're attention whores. There already IS a nationwide discussion about racism and violence against African Americans. These people don't care about that, though. They just want to get their own organization on the news, caring more about that than the actual issues.

Or just sell the property back to Marvel so that we can get a good F4 movie, or at least a decent one. (I mean, the Thor movies are boring as hell and Iron Man 2 sucked majorly, but who doesn't love Guardians of the Galaxy or the Avengers?)

That's caused by anti-psychotics, I believe, so he may also be a paranoid schizophrenic. In fact, I'm pretty sure the Fantastic Four movie never even existing.

So it goes…

"Stonewall Sparkle" would be a bad-ass name for a pony.

You become The Dominatrix. Sexy.

Seriously, you can't beat a dead Gypsy, guys.

I haven't had crocodile, but if it is anything like Alligator, you're not missing much. It's basically like extra-lean chicken with a weirdly fishy texture. (Unless you mean the shoes. In which case, shame on you for owning Crocs.)

Wouldn't the max speed for spaceships always be the same, assuming there is no kind of physics-breaking technology involved (which would seem to be impossible, anyway, given that such technology would itself be dependent on physics in order to function predictably and not, say, create a giant black hole)? I mean,

I'm pretty sure the intergalactic equivalent to nitrous is nitrous. They're working with the same matter we are. Granted, they could probably synthesize something much more useful than nitrous—like oil made from dead space dinosaurs—but nitrous would still be nitrous. And also probably unusable in the vacuum of space.

There aren't any bathrooms in Pokemon. Think about that…

Farfetch'd confit avec un jus de bulbasaur, s'il vous plait.

Isn't Magikarp a carp? Carp meat is typically avoided. It's not inedible, but it's not exactly good, either, being greyish, mushy, and—most prevalent to commercial concerns—quite bony. So aquaculture is something else Magikarp is useless for, I guess.

I'm pretty sure those were the nerdy kids from the movie, too. The goth girl definitely looks the same, and one of the guys was wearing rainbow suspenders.