
Honestly the most plausible answer for who Red Devil 2 is, is Hester, but I feel like that's just such an unsatisfying reveal. For me, at least.

A D+? Wow, that's harsh. I didn't think it was the best Glee's been and it was frequently corny but I'd give it something around a C+/B-. It's better than most of the crap I've put up with this season. I like that Chris Colfer seems to actually get the characters. It was nice having a mention of Sam being homeless in

When I read a spoiler somewhere that Kurt was getting beat up I cringed—there was no way Glee, especially season 5 Glee, wasn't screwing that up. I'm glad to say I was wrong—I'm still not sure if they handled it well, or if it was the actors that had me sold on it (Mike O'Malley and Chris Colfer are still the

Ok so I just watched the episode and I don't really have much to say besides what's been said in the review already but yeah, I liked it a lot, Glee can always pull a pretty good finale (I know this isn't the finale technically but you know what I mean), they always nail that feeling that I can't really explain but

Sheesh Blaine really got into NYADA? I knew he probably would, but I was hoping they'd try and at least be somewhat realistic here and have him not make it. Or at least not on his first try. I mean Starchild and Jesse St.James weren't good enough (Jesse St.James! The guy that absolutely killed with his version of

This was one of those episodes where I really wish it had just been New York. It's not even because I thought the Lima parts were bad—I actually enjoyed them—but I surprisingly liking this Rachel/Santana plot and I would've loved to see more of it tonight. Also more of Demi Lovato's character she's been so underused

Eh, I really don't think Kurt/Blaine's fanbase consists of gay teens at this point (it's mostly straight girls in love with Darren Criss and/or that seriously fetishize gay relationships).
But even if it did, I'd rather them break up anyways, regardless of how much they project themselves onto Kurt and Blaine.I think

I was browsing on TVLine today and came across a Glee thing in which Chris Colfer says something along the lines of wanting another love interest for Kurt before the show ends and I just knew the comment section would be a hot mess

I didn't really have any big problems with this episode which puts it in like B- territory for me, at least by current Glee standards. I didn't care for the Lima part (as usual) and the New York part was entertaining enough. I quite like Adam Lambert here, even if his character is tad too nice he always seems really

I'm glad they're moving the show to New York but I truly wish they'd just stick with Rachel, Kurt and Santana. My biggest problem with Lima was that Blaine and Sam were really bland leads I really don't need them bringing down the only decent part of the show with their boring vocals and wooden acting.

honestly i've never understood why they made becky a recurring character i can't stand her attitude it's never been funny!

Yeah, I've noticed that too. I've never thought they had any sexual tension but back in season 2 I at least thought they were kind of cute. I also wish we got to see more of this Kurt (though hopefully without endings like this Santa Claus one). The guy is 19 there's no reason for him to get hitched now besides it

I used to think it was just me who couldn't see any attraction between Kurt and Blaine but after watching Kurt and the way he looked at the Santa Claus guy and comparing it to the way he looks at Blaine, I'm now sure that I've been right all along, the two of them really don't have chemistry.

I was so into the idea of Sam and Kurt being a couple back in season 2 (I hate the word, but I was a shipper) and was very annoyed when they degayed him and went with Sam/Quinn who had no chemistry at all! I was happy to hear them sing tonight, they sound very nice together and they have cute chemistry and it's really

Exactly how I feel about Sam and Blaine moving to New York!

(deleted because I commented twice woops)

I also noticed that, and I've also noticed that when sometimes we have a group scene and you have all the couples doing cute background stuff and Kurt and Blaine just don't do anything at all. It's weird.

I feel the same way about Artie as I do with Blaine: We're supposed to see them as some kind of heroes when they actively do and say very problematic things. At least Artie gets called out on it sometimes and he might just disappear from the show post graduation (except for a couple of guest appearances occasionally)

I think it's too soon, even from just a storytelling perspective.

Oh my God, I found this episode to be so boring! It wasn't super bad or anything, but it was a total snoozefest. I've never really liked the tribute episodes (save for the Fleetwood Mac and Madonna episodes) and this was no exception. Tributes almost always always mean awkwardly placed songs.