
Ok, I take it back, they should just spend more time with the New York and less with Lima (I like Unique too much for them to cut the Lima part).

I don't know what to say besides holy shit Chris Colfer took his shirt off. Also, they really need to get rid of the Lima part of this show because the New York characters and stories are so much better.

I kind of really liked this episode (by Glee standards). Glee lost what made me love it a long time ago (the sadness that nearly every storyline was infused with, the earnestness, the dark comedy aspect) but I've also always enjoyed the sillier, fun moments and this episode was exactly that. Don't get me wrong, I

Wasn't the actress that played Ramona in the movie adaptation one of Jess's students, once? Brianna? I'm not sure.

While I liked a lot of the other things going on in season 4 (I'm sure this is an unpopular opinion, but I liked last season and definitely prefer season 4 to season 3) but I have to agree with you on Finn's storyline having the most impact out of the bunch. Glee never really seems to plan ahead and rarely sticks to

Okay, I am not going to criticize anything about this episode—I can't really bring myself to, considering the circumstances—so I'm just here to say that I liked it a lot (mostly). I cried a lot more than I thought I would. I'd always liked Cory Monteith. Back when the 1st season aired I'd watch the cast interviews and

We all do.

Another thing: Ryder's still in the Glee Club without any explanation as to why? I mean since last week was the premiere and there was already plenty of stuff going on I let it slide, but come on. Even if it's just a one-line explanation. It's been really bugging me.

Though I'd normally not like how easily and how quickly Rachel's becoming a star, I'm glad she did because I doubt that after next week we'll be seeing happy Rachel anytime soon. 
It was an okay episode: I laughed a lot during Santana's commercial, I liked Demi Lovato, "Here Comes The Sun" and "Get Back" sounded great.

@avclub-c156902f5b20b572848be18c11634dfb:disqus Oh sorry, then! I totally misinterpreted your comment!(it happens frequently to me with text messaging too).

I know no one's opposed to two dudes getting married, I'm just saying that they (the writers) seem to be excusing them being too young with 'we're supporting gay marriage!' when there's a big difference between supporting marriage equality and having two teenagers getting hitched.

Just finished reading it now. Great review, Brandon.
I'm kind of hovering over the play button now, wondering if I should watch it. I'll probably end up tearing up during 'Yesterday'—you mentioned a bubble and her strolling through NYC so I'm guessing it's gonna be some kind of reference to the 2nd season Finn-Rachel

I haven't watched this episode yet (I'm finding it hard to, with Cory Monteith's passing and all :'( ) but I did see a clip of Burt and Kurt talking on the way to the proposal and the actual proposal and I don't know if we're supposed to interpret that whole thing as romantic because all I got was a seriously

It makes no sense how little time they spend dealing with the characters in New York, that actually have big issues to deal with and that really need to be developed more, and then devote huge chunks of time to dumb Lima plots that they seem to pull out of their ass to create some sort of conflict. YOU HAVE SO MUCH

Thank you! I could actually excuse the dumb teenager high school sweethearts equals soulmates mentality had they spent the season showing us Blaine and Kurt still being very much hung up on each other. How do they expect me to buy Blaine's love for Kurt when he's spent half the season crushing on Sam?  
Not that I'm

I'm torn between happy (yay two more seasons for the show to figure its shit out and get the the first thirteen episodes's quality back!) and annoyed (this show will never be as good as it was during the first 13 episodes but I keep hoping it will so I will never be free).

CrissColfer shippers are the most annoying group of people I have ever come across. I mean ship whatever you want but don't continuously harass the actors over it. Especially if it does not involve fictional characters but the actual actors themselves.

I liked this episode fine, it wasn't super great or anything (though I think I probably would've enjoyed it a hell of a lot more if could wipe away all evidence of last week's episode. I'm still mad about it).
I'm glad we're back to seeing some New York stuff, it's the best part of the show and I find it ridiculous

I haven't found Glee this fun in quite some time. Honestly, every number was just a blast except "Take A Look At Me Now". I didn't really like the live singing because, well, Darren Criss isn't a very good singer. If you're gonna make them sing live, get someone from the cast that can actually do it.

I'm sixteen and I consider both those things guilty pleasures of mine.