
That sequence when Pollack drags that poor girl out of the party because she embarrassed him talking about astrology is one of my favorite scenes in all of Woody's movies. It's incredible, and made me a Sydney Pollack fan.

I don't know, I was too busy making out with my girlfriend who wears mom jeans. I don't think anyone saw us, though.

But the best part has no music at all: when T Rex is attacking the two kids in the jeep. That is fucking terrifying. Doesn't matter that it's a dinosaur, that's it's been extinct for 70 million years, that it's a marvel of scientific engineering; at that point, it's just an animal that wants to eat you. Awesome.

Danrimage, funny you mention Ed Wood; I spent months, longer even, trying to get a cheap copy of that soundtrack off eBay. Glad I finally did. Wonder if it's the reason why I also prefer Ed Wood to all of Burton's other movies. I can't *stand* the fake whimsy and wonder of Elfman's scores either. Will definitely look

Let Polly do the printing.

Been a long time since I've seen the movie, but I always got the impression Bad LT killed those girls in that scene you're talking about.

I read one of McGrath's books years ago, or tried to. It was like a literature professor deigning to write genre fiction; in this case, horror. I prefer the real thing like Clive Barker or Ramsey Campbell. And Cronenberg's adaptation of Spider seemed like Cronenberg-lite. So I'm gonna give this one a miss.

Yes, I hated Breakfast Club as a teenager too. I even had to watch it in 10th grade sociology class & saw right through it. "Oh, it's just like real life!" Bullshit. Being too busy watching Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom and Re-Animator, I didn't see a movie that was like real life until Annie Hall several years

raleigh nc
I've lived in Raleigh for 15 years and used to see Adams hanging out in a local bar, oh-so-studiously writing song lyrics on napkins while getting wasted on Jager. This was right before Whiskeytown. He was just barely tolerated then. Years later he turned up again in Raleigh in a different bar, and I

obligatory film reference…
Truffaut's 400 Blows, in the final shot of Nelson's short movie. Nice.

—You couldn't be scared of the predator, not unless you were a heavily-armed and well-trained soldier — it wasn't interested in killing, it was interested in hunting.—

For me…
Stones are Saturday night… Beatles are Sunday morning.

…but I like it.

—The Stones the girl you wanted sleep with and never could—

glam rock monster…
…or a young Boris Karloff?

unrepentant Mellencamp fan
…since Scarecow '85. Just honest, unpretentious rock'n'roll. Haven't kept up with him for some time (Human Wheels had some good stuff) but man, Lonesome Jubilee and Big Daddy, that's the motherlode. Beautiful songs, beautiful instrumentation.

Wow, someone remembers Steve Bissette's TABOO series. Now that was some adolescent-y splatterpunk brilliance. Glad I kept mine, I'm gonna go back and reread 'em.

…it's practically the same ending as Stephen King's "The Mist," which Frank Darabont completely jettisoned. Go figure.

—I've worked in bookstores for years and I don't even recall shelving any of his books.—

sissy emo bangs
I didn't take the kid's hair turning into sissy emo bangs, I saw it as sissy New Wave Flock of Seagulls hair. But then I am old, and remember when new wave was sissified punk with its anger ebbing.