
I read an interview with one of the Indy producers who said all the SFX were going to be old-school, so that it'd have the same look and feel as the '80s Indy movies. Anybody else read that? Obviously tho' Spielberg has gone ahead & used CGI. My complaint is with the title; much better titles are: Indiana Jones and

oh good lord, that's perfect. I've been searching for a good comeback to people who smugly announce "I don't watch TV b/c it's so bad." I will follow it up with "So do you not read books because of Mary Higgins Clark and Dan Brown too?"

I *loved* the two zombie anthologies John Skipp and Craig Spector put together back in '89 and '91. So glad Romero mentioned them. Wow. Some of the stories in those collections are way better than any zombie movie ever, particularly the one "The Old Man and the Dead," by Mort Castle, I believe; a Hemingway meets

Travis doesn't know anything about anything… according to Schrader, he's not a "hard-bitten New Yorker," he's from the Midwest and had been sheltered his whole life until the trial by fire of Vietnam. Travis not knowing Kristofferson is more about his general cluelessness and introversion than hating laid-back CA.

Don't forget…
How bad his AmEx commercial was from a couple years ago, and how charming Wes Anderson's was. Anderson made fun of himself, while M. Night looks put upon and annoyed by having a fan gush about how great he is—WTF? What a smug, condescending asshole persona to present to the world. No irony, no sense of

duh… "invented polio"? No, it was "Could a Kalahari Bushman have invented *the polio vaccine*? He could have—but nobody asked him!"

Professor PC stuff…
…was indeed way funnier than the grunge stuff, and we're still feeling the fallout. "Could a Kalahari Bushman have invented polio? He could have—but nobody asked him!" Take that, uppity scientists!

Well, what if it *was* called "Sean of the Dead"? All you'd hear would be "What does 'Seen of the Dead' mean?"

So let's get Jonesy and Cookie to put the Professionals back together, and Lydon and co. to bring back PiL. Now we're talking.

I definitely crushed on Enid the first time I read Ghost World, especially when she was listening to the Ramones' "Carbona Not Glue" off the *original* pressing of 'Leave Home.' Le sigh…

Ramones video
The Ramones may have been long past their hey-day by the time Clowes did that video, but both the song (Tom Waits cover of course) and Clowes' comix style sum up the Ramones perfectly. That's how a band goes out in style.

And Enid in the comic is cuter than Thora Birch as Enid. She hasn't had a punk day in, like, forever!

Even better than god is not great is…
The Portable Atheist that Hitch put together. It is chock-full of atheistic writings from the ancient Greeks to Ayaan Hirsi Ali. It truly is fantastic. The idea that Dawkins, Hitch, Harris, etc. are "new atheists" is laughable in the extreme.

If by "very 10th grade" you mean "there is no god" then I would agree.

Dude sounds like the typical lame-o illiterate who, when he meets a writer, says, "Man, I got some great ideas but I can't write them down. Why don't I tell them to you, you write them, publish them, then we'll split the profits 50/50—deal?" Oy vey.

You know what I loved rewatching the original Star Wars recently? The fingerprint smudges on Vader's helmet. Perfect example of the seat-of-the-pants approach to film-making Lucas originally had.

cobie smolders
Sweet Christ, she is so hot in that photo I cannot look directly at it. I think I just ejaculated a little in my pants.

dark tower
I started reading King in the early 1980s and it's interesting to note the incredible popularity of the Dark Tower series, which were just known to a select few back in the day. I think I read a few pages of the first one when I was in high school, went "enh" and re-read 'Salem's Lot. For awhile now I've

I got that beat:

I got that beat: