
Let's not forget "and other cunt-like tendencies" for "council tenancies." Idiot.

at least…
Hanoi Rocks covered the Ramones' "Blitzkrieg Bop" in 1983, something no other metal/glam act of the era would have EVER done. So give 'em a point for that.

I love the '70s
I think the entire decade is magnificent, perhaps the greatest ever, for movies. I wanna add:

I learned I am a corrector, and have corrected more than one person on just who "Frankenstein" is.

this episode made me laugh my ass off…

Didn't Dwight last season say he'd shot a werewolf once, but by the time he'd gotten to the body, it'd changed back into a man?

even betterer: Grizz and Dotcom hoping to impress Josh with how cool they are by telling him Fall Out Boy will be at Kenneth's party.

sexy tension
"-Meredith Viera had some serious sexual chemistry going on with Greenzo. Get a room, guys"

I'm mostly taken by his kids, I guess. His son is so lovably dorky & awkward, & his daughter is like 14 but looks about 18—trouble.

hell yeah…
Nikki Sixx still looks cool as shit, The Dirt is perhaps the second or third greatest rock'n'roll book ever written (after Please Kill Me), and the only album of the Crue I still really dig is Too Fast for Love.