
I was truly shocked too. I grew up near the Jersey Shore in the '70s and Jaws mania was all over. I will watch it whenever, wherever. Recently I caught it on some random cable channel, the edited for TV version, and noted a scene or two not on the DVD ("summer dinks"). It was orgasmic.

KING OF COMEDY is too painful to watch more than once every five years for me. "You should get cancer!" I have however found The Clash in a crowd scene. You can see Mick Jones's British teeth if you look close.

Woody and Mia were never married and Woody never adopted Soon Yi, as she was the adopted daughter of Mia and Mia's previous husband Andre Previn. Still kinda inappropriate, I suppose, but I'm on no moral high horse.

Funny, because Catcher in the Rye is my Catcher in the Rye, and Watchmen is my Watchmen. Kevin Smith is, of course, an idiot.

danrimage, I completely agree with your assessment, but I seem to recall King was quoting another writer—Cain, Chandler—who was asked that question. I think he just found their answer apropos for his situation. Damn, I wish I could remember where I read it; Danse Macabre, maybe? Not that it matters—recall the other

Well, whaddaya expect, they buried him in a pet sematary, when he explicitly told them he did not want them to do that.

Yeah, totally! Because tight skinny jeans, tiny t-shirts and Chuck Taylors would look SO out of date in 2008!

don't forget
Cronenberg's adaptation of Stephen King's The Dead Zone. "The ICE is gonna BREAK!" The score by Michael Kamen is also perfectly wintry and bleak.

"harbor a very, very special place for in our collective naked Nastassja Kinski-in-bondage hearts."

not even…
…the lovely Jenna Fischer getting shrimped could save this wretched, oh-so-lame movie. A vast disappointment.

I found my ticket stub for Fight Club in a jacket I hadn't worn for years. I apparently I'd seen it in the theater too.

Every now and again I do a Google news search on Ellison to try to find out what he's been up to, see if there's an interview or profile on him, a new book, a reprint of an old one I can't find, anything. It was cool to find out about this doc a few months ago, and even cooler—and a bit ironic, since I read

I wouldn't wanna be friends with Dostoevsky or Iggy Pop either, but I still love their work.

I think folks sorta misunderstood me. I purposely don't listen to that stuff *because I find it boring.* I don't think those bands suck, I'm not saying the bands I like are better, I don't think they're overrated, I don't hate them—they're just bands that people fucking love, worship, they sell millions of albums

I loved Billy Joel as a kid, then went through a long period of hate, and then finally it hit me that he has more in common with a Broadway showtunes songwriter than Dylan or whoever. Now I enjoy putting his records on. He is also a master chameleon, cf. "Just Like a Woman" and "She's Always a Woman to Me." Of course

—yeah, the difference is that Timberlake had more to do with writing "Sexy Back" than Sinatra did with Night + Day/99% of his tunes.—

I prefer the Congos. Elton John I find irritating. Clapton & other guitar heroes bore me to tears.

I know, I get Sinatra's Night and Day confused with SexyBack all the time. Which one starred in From Here to Eternity?

Dammit. I am bested by an AV Club article from two years ago.

Artists I have never listened to on purpose in my entire 37-year-old life: