Yeah, that ending needed some rewriting. I get that it's the irony of a subtle approach that takes down the world threat, but the heart attack on the nanobots core is weak. Can't they just fall back on the nanobot plot goto? Rewrite its programming?
Yeah, that ending needed some rewriting. I get that it's the irony of a subtle approach that takes down the world threat, but the heart attack on the nanobots core is weak. Can't they just fall back on the nanobot plot goto? Rewrite its programming?
Well there you go. Even though you are a sock puppet, I have been proven wrong.
Please, @disqus_okgItcD0yy:disqus show me one instance of this. Just the one.
@avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus Ugh. Really? THIS COLUMN is boiling the show down to the final reveal. And I am saying that this is holding the show in contempt.
He is in charge of the TV department yet thinks he somehow invented the phrase "what a twist" independently of Robot Chicken! What also a twist!
You have to keep in mind that these guys are sick of this assignment. And still see the show as a twist delivery system rather than a clever genre show.
Woody Allen was born in the 30s. He could hardly feel nostalgic about a time period 15 years before he was born.
Not by this crew, I hope.
I don't silently judge people who care what celebrities do when they're not onscreen. I'm pretty vocal about it.
A lot of people remember they hated Daredevil. I sincerely doubt these people remember why they hated his performance but I'll tell you here and now; it's because of the media storm surrounding his personal life that was happening at the time. He was oversaturated and people hated him. The film is terrible. But he was…
I have no ida what everyone else is citing. I just hate this kneejerk reaction to a guy who has a load of talent and has been making films for literally decades and even recently getting Oscars for it. Everyone's real problem is that through no fault of his own the media went nuts over one of his past relationships to…
He's playing an actor who was typecast as one particular superhero who dies under mysterious circumstances. Really, you should see it. And then I will take your opinion about it seriously.
This reminds me of that guy who said Moroder's music for Metropolis sucked because he was a music producer and not a soundtrack guy. Because we all know De Palma's Scarface was terrible.
Daredevil was directed by Mark Steven Johnson. That was the actual problem. Affleck and Colin Farrell were very good.
So what you're saying is that you haven't seen it, but you are sure that the performance required no range.
Please go see Academy Award winning film Argo and his other performance in Hollywoodland.
I'm all for it. But there's no way people are ever going to be swayed because any time the subject comes up they have the same jokes at the ready to repeat. "But Daredevil!" they repeat, ignoring that Affleck was definitely not the problem with that film.
Dowd liked this? And Scott Pilgrim? Perhaps he doesn't write his reviews like Dave at the end of the big exam in Summer School.
Take one second and imagine the show laugh track-less. Do you think it would be less creepy? It was part of the show's make-up. To take it out would have caused a disconnect with the audience.
Has anyone put forward their opinion about whether the general populace rates this at the level it deserves yet? I get tired of people who feel everyone else needs to appreciate a film on the proper level.