I don't get it. Amelie doesn't like Play-doDoh? Does Play-Doh sound bad?
I don't get it. Amelie doesn't like Play-doDoh? Does Play-Doh sound bad?
I saw this when it initially aired. Yeah, it's creepy. Do you guys think it would be better if it WASN'T? What weird commentary.
I love every single one of those Doctors. Although some of them never got a decent decent episode, all eleven were fun to watch.
Nope. Ever. Read the The Black Stallion Returns blurb.
This joke is borderline okay.
Aquaman jokes are lame. Anyone who makes one is boring.
Ever made? EVER MADE!
I love Back to the Future. I've seen the film dozens of times. As a kid I watched it constantly. I still think it's a heck of a fun movie.
The Big Heat is generally considered his best Hollywood film. I thought Man Hunt was brilliant but it appears I am a minority in this (as you'd see above).
But nostalgia.
Man Hunt starts out with a bang having a hunter line his sites up on Hitler! Then the pace is amazing. It is one of my favorites. Plus with the behind-the-scenes story (that was probably exaggerated) about the U.S. govt. stepping in to keep it from being released while we were trying to stay out of WWII until Pearl…
Man Hunt is intense! And paranoiac! I'd place it against Three Days of the Condor or Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy any day of the week!
I JUST watched this! Not M-, The Big Heat or Man Hunt-level Lang, but still damn good!
Me too! To me, this is the second funniest episode. "The Great Brain Robbery" beats it out, but by a margin. Those other episodes just smack of trying to hard for me.
Just pay your child support, deadbeat.
This was a more polite, more informative, better written response than I had. Also non-combatative and non-defensive.
This article is great! I always wanted to know this stuff. I mean, I heard that you had to pay the taxes and that made it tough, but I didn't know that they waited like four months to actually deliver it to you! That's terrible!
I hear this movie syncs with Prince's Black Album so well it's eerie.
You're bending over backward to give this lame, gossipy trash list the benefit of the doubt. It seems to me that you're putting more effort into than the people who wrote it did. I am indeed slamming the article because I think it's beneath this site and a lazy space-filler. I didn't mean to sound rude to you. Curt,…