Account Requirement is Stupid

You're famous, but on the internet! Someone should make a term for that.

Why does everyone want their webpage to look like Windows 8?

Robocop statue: awesome.
Ebert statue: not.

Now this is a dang good article! It captures what it felt to be excited to be on the ground floor of a new title (or in this case; titles) and the disappointment when you find out it was all hype. Plus, we get actual researched information behind that release. I love this.

I'm just going to assume no.

So the Masters of Cinema copy is superior to the Kino. But is the MoC version remarkably better than the DVD print?

But is it worth buying the Blu-ray?

Hey! "Flop" rhymes with "pop"!

This very website has an interview with Crispin Glover where he explains why he wasn't in the sequels. And it wasn't because of imaginary demands. Where did you hear that exactly, Ryan?

Especially that finale for Iron Man 3, there was a lot going on at once. It was a juggling act, but it was edited so well that I personally always knew where the pieces were. I thought it was a phenomenal job and to single it out as bad is pretty shocking.

They built a brand new one in my town.

This is what I'm getting from you, "I can't find a cogent argument to disagree with what you've said but I don't like that you've said them. So stop commenting here to alleviate my self-esteem issues."

Great examples.

Excellent point.

Go away from what? You would prefer I didn't post on this site? Is that it? Why? Do you find my conversation offensive somehow?

Okay. Then I guess Jurassic Park is the quintessential special effects movie of 1993? I really can't argue with that. It's a weird point to make, though. Is anyone arguing with that? Why write an article about it.

I still don't see him comparing one film to the other, just the treatment of this character in this film to the treatment of the character to the other. Do you see the difference?

I feel like Dowd was easier on this film than Iron Man 3. I don't see him comparing this to The Avengers.

An alternate title to this article could be, "For Our Consideration: I have no sense of film history and a movie I saw when I was nine is quintessential."

Two things: