Account Requirement is Stupid

When did I vote for this?

The term is "pencil-thin mustache", not "paper-thin".

This episode of Garfield, That Little House on the Prairie episode… now when is that Too Close for Comfort episode going to come up? You guys are a broken record.

It's not insulting, it's just naive to assume that people seventy years ago didn't know when a movie was good or not. It's an attitude that people usually grow out of… shortly after the first younger person starts talking about movies they liked as a kid being "stupid because they're old".

It had nothing to do with the change in tone so much as the stalking scene killed the pace. And the conventions of present day are not the same as five years ago. That's immaterial. The point is that it isn't the audience's fault that this movie has the cinematic equivalent of dead air right in the middle of it. It

"The movie bombed, probably because movie audiences in the ’40s couldn’t deal with its extravagant swings in tone."

Really? The editor makes sure the eyelines match and the 180 degree rule isn't broken? I don't think this internet school is accredited.

He needed column space to repeat that bit of trivia about how Tourneur didn't want to show the demon. Because no one else has ever mentioned that every time there's a write-up on this movie.

The Xenomorph in Alien is a big guy in a rubber suit. And it has all kinds of verisimilitude.

You can't read anything written about this film without a mention of how Tourneur didn't want to show the demon. It's a great film. Can't we focus for once on the end product without rehashing that same piece of widely known trivia?

Any "emotional investment" found in Hocus Pocus derives solely from nostalgia.

This was already done. Pretty successfully, too. Please see House of Frankenstein. Universal mixed and matched their monsters all the time. Are people really thinking this is new?

And I loved it. I think the only thing it truly lacked was an iconic score. If it had had a catchy theme, we'd have three sequels and a reboot by now.

Can't we have all of those?

I want another Sky Captain movie.

It is cooler. But not because it existed before those.

I know. At least since I used to watch it.

Maybe they can use that time to take out their soapbox grandstanding and put something funny in there. Also to update their references. Goth? How long has it been since that was a thing?

I would say The Hills Have Eyes was cool. It existed before The X-Files was a thing.

Hey, a Polanski film! I want to get in on this conversation; what's the topic?