My Left Footnote

The last 10 minutes took this episode from a B to an A. Pretty much perfect. I'm really going to miss Fringe. Not sure I would have felt the same way after the last two season finales.

The last 10 minutes took this episode from a B to an A. Pretty much perfect. I'm really going to miss Fringe. Not sure I would have felt the same way after the last two season finales.

What an outstanding episode. The Pete vs Lane scene was just perfect.

While it's always fun to watch Peter turn into Neo, I'm more interested in seeing the writers try and tie in previous elements - like the glyphs on the doors and the little bald kid from earlier in the series. It'll make re- watching the series that much more fun in a year or so…

While it's always fun to watch Peter turn into Neo, I'm more interested in seeing the writers try and tie in previous elements - like the glyphs on the doors and the little bald kid from earlier in the series. It'll make re- watching the series that much more fun in a year or so…

Exactly! Astrid deserves more to do during this final story arc.

Exactly! Astrid deserves more to do during this final story arc.

LOVED: The crash sequence, full frontal nudity, Goodman chewing the scenery and Denzel (during the first hour or so, at least).

LOVED: The crash sequence, full frontal nudity, Goodman chewing the scenery and Denzel (during the first hour or so, at least).

Arc (live)…played REALLY LOUD.  In a cold, dark room.  Serve any guests warm beer, and you've got yourself a very memorable weekend.

Arc (live)…played REALLY LOUD.  In a cold, dark room.  Serve any guests warm beer, and you've got yourself a very memorable weekend.

Exactly - really enjoyed Argo, and the Canadian audience seemed to make it even more special.  Two thumbs up, eh!

Exactly - really enjoyed Argo, and the Canadian audience seemed to make it even more special.  Two thumbs up, eh!

They mentioned and showed us (several times) the shattered "other universe viewer" thingy below the lab - methinks Peter's going to make a run over to the Redverse to snatch the alternate Etta…

They mentioned and showed us (several times) the shattered "other universe viewer" thingy below the lab - methinks Peter's going to make a run over to the Redverse to snatch the alternate Etta…

Monster is certainly better than that hot mess Aerosmith just released.

Monster is certainly better than that hot mess Aerosmith just released.

Metz: The Canadian Sonic Youth?

Metz: The Canadian Sonic Youth?

Hey, it worked for The Blue Man Group…