
Don Cornelius had brain surgery years ago, and was reportedly never the same afterwards. Understand? Not only did he suffer depression, he was legitimately brain damaged. This wasn't the case of somebody who felt bad one day and decided to kill himself.

Yeah, It couldn't possibly help that Cissy Houston was her mom. Dione and Dee Dee Warwick were her aunts. Aretha Franklin was her Godmother. She had no genetic predisposition for singing. ALL HARD WORK!

Yeah, honestly, when Billie Holiday's voice was shot, she was still putting out interesting music…..using her phrasing to compensate. I still respect Houston's voice, but the material she chose was syrupy pop. She wasn't really even a soul singer. Aretha had a run of great songs that still sound fresh today. Houston

As a fan of practically everything Lomax recorded, I say "YES".

How much does musical talent cost? Because if these guys are sitting around like accountants trying to figure out why they haven't made it yet, they should probably try some other field.

The first time I saw Screamin' Jay, two hot women were flashing him from the audience. Damn! No wonder he had so many kids

I saw BB when I was a kid. I'd love to see him again, but he priced me out! I can't give up a weeks worth of food to see BB!

Ralph Staney used to play in Chicago regularly (back when he did a lot more banjo playing than he does now). I used to see him every time he came around. Al Green? I'd love to see him, but he priced me out!

I saw the Replacements two nights in a row warming up for X when I was a teen. One night they were drunk and could barely play. The next night they were completely awesome. (X was great both nights)

I'm still pissed at myself for missing Miles Davis when I had the chance

Great artist! My faves are "Tell Mama" and "Down in the Basement"

Are you suggesting that McCain/Palin would have been a better vote? Gingrich or Santorum is your vote next time around?

How's that Keystone pipeline coming along?

The war of drugs is going great! Think of all the DEA agents that are making a living off of it. Sure, the taxpayers might be upset that their money is being wasted on a non-effective campaign…but they are always complaining about something. This anti-piracy campaign could also create similar job positions.

makes you wonder what has happened to R&B since then…..it used to rock. Today's R&B is like lounge music

Great artist…just the fact that he produced Big Mama Thornton'd "Hound Dog" is enough for me. Worked with Frank Zappa, too….

I saw Charlie Louvin in concert a number of times. Great artist! I wasn't aware he was working on a book. Even as an old man, Charlie Louvin had a great voice and put on a great show. I'll be getting this book

Wahlberg couldn't even stop The Happening from happening

I thought cleansing always involved a brillo pad

She's ACTING! (like a frog gasping for air)