
I saw Carl Perkins in concert….he was definitely the real deal. Tons of great songs, too.

I have to see "Into the Night" now.

Johnny Cash and Elvis don't care what you think, either

I'm pretty sure Elvis was fat AND bloated. Speaking of Elvis' BM, I saw a show where they were talking to the guy who did Elvis' autopsy. He went on to say that the clay-like substance in Elvis' colon would have been impossible to pass naturally.

Elvis was a big fan of Johnny Cash's singing

Better guitar player and songwriter, that's for sure. Did you ever see him try to dance, though? And that hair piece…

yeah, but Elvis got fat and wore jumpsuits. Ack! He did a cover of Anne Murray's "Snowbird".

I think you can be big fans of both.

Lana Del Rey? I heard she's great in concert!

Angry Springsteen these days = "You kids get off my lawn!"

One of my friends had Blasting Concept 1. It took me forever to find a copy. Great record!

Wow! I didn't know there was a second disc….I saw the first disc, which was excellent.

Double Nickles on The Dime is one of my fave double albums….solid all the way through. I would have loved to see them live.

When talking about Entwistle, it's important to remember that he didn't consider himself a bassist. He considered himself a bass guitarist. A lead bass guitarist, at that. Taking a listen to "The Real Me" illustrates the difference. That is some aggressive Lead Bass Guitar playing.

I heard that The Stones didn't put out Rock and Roll Circus for years because the Who blew them off the stage. The Stones just seemed to be playing at half speed that night.

Dick Dale and Link Wray…..two of my absolute favorite guitarists. Neither of them are in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Strange coincidence.

I was listening to the election results on the way home, and NPR kept talking about a "Santorum Surge" in regards to his success. I have to admit…it made me laugh.

She is airbrushed in such a seductive manner!

Straight from the cow's tit!??!?!?! Udderly delightful!

Paul McCartney is tough to beat as a bass playing singer. If nobody else is going to mention Jack Bruce from Cream, though, I'm going with Jack Bruce!