
It's where they stretch what used to fit in one comic into a 4 issue series…..you know….for atmosphere.

My old dog used to go crazy for any plush toy that had a squeaker in it. He would tear it apart and go right for the squeaker. He would not be satisfied until it was dead. My new dog prefers live prey (good thing she's a terrier)

Grrrr! Denny Walley. Edit function not working!

Some of my Fave Beefheart stuff. Dennt Walley is awesome

Wouldn't it be shocking if Madonna and Minaj kissed during the Superbowl Half Time Show? Outrageous!

I also dropped comics for financial reasons. I was downloading comics for a bit, but then even gave that up. I got sick of the mass marketing. How many Hulks are there? I have to keep track of colors of Hulk now? How many Captain America books? I understand they want to make money, but that kind of cash grab makes me

Wait….you can get street cred without getting shot?!?!??!?!! Don't tell Slim Dunkin

My girlfriend (who has cable) comes over to my place (where I'm too cheap to buy cable), and uses HBO GO to watch programs by streaming them to my computer. Pretty good quality, too.

Instant street cred!

Yeah, it could have easily been that they couldn't hear each other. They were playing at the Saginaw Civic Center….not known for it's sound system.

Yeah, Sloop John B is pretty bad…..but worse than Kokomo? Now THAT song is bad!

The Beach Boys are a very influential studio band. However, I saw them in concert decades ago (with Brian Wilson), and they had real problems singing harmony. It was really off. Maybe it was a bad night, or maybe they just can't pull it off live. The other problem with seeing them now is that Dennis and Carl Wilson

Comics Legend! Rest in peace

cooch/minge….bangers/mash……what I want to know is what left the slime trail all over her apartment

As a midwest resident, I was going to dispute your "stink of the midwest" comment…but after driving through Gary, IN, I haven't been able to wash its stink off

I think it was Keith Moon who put the extra explosives in his drum kit

Pete says "What? I can't hear you…."

Darn! I was looking forward to reading this, but it doesn't sound all that promising. Isn't his lame ass ghost writer supposed to fill in the historical data with salacious details?

Great artist. His version of the Joker is easily one of my favorites

cool guitar player, too. I read an interview a while back where he was thinking about touring with the James Gang again. I'd pay to see that