
No it's not just you. With the episodes-long arc of her burping, I kept asking myself if that was a strange nod to The Jinx. I thought it was and then thought that would be stupid. Then it gets confirmed in the end. Tina Fey must have been watching it when writing.

I think you need to re-read what @avclub-62ae6d9e1a24836a391716549223464f:disqus wrote. He disagreed with your post, made a pretty lame joke towards what he (and I for that) perceive as a terrible idea you brought up, and then YOU attacked him…..
Unless you guys have both deleted comments that I didn't get to read,

It would have been a better reference if they sang 'Ninja Rap' from TMNT 2 and spoke about how Frank Miller wrote that song. But I think only Plinkett heads will get it.

Yeah I agree 100% with this. Although, I was back on board with ep 1. But it definitely gets better around ep 3 or 4. And it stays that way. But man, disappointing finale. It was just 'meh'.

Weird gun? You mean his bowcaster he's had since Episode 4???

I like how she played this ep. And I agree about 'invisible edits' as I was sure she'd just be a pretty girl who doesn't really do much and either gets voted out early or still goes sort of far.

Haha yeah I thought that her air time was minimal this week so no way it was going to be her.

This season was filmed as the season showing the TP idol was shown, so they didn't know the backlash was coming and when they did, it would've been too late.

Yeah I'm starting to get that vibe too. I loved this ep!

Can I ask my American AV Clubbers; would Albuquerque have 24 hour copy centres? I've never seen one, even in the biggest cities I've visited.

Man…. that initialism you used seems so offensive! Haha

So, so many complaints.

I was surprised to read that too. I mean, of course it was!

I'll just have to take your word for it. The geo block won't let me watch it.

I'm not crying.

Yeah I felt that scene was to highlight that both McGill boys were cunning, sly and won't be afraidto resort to cheap tactics. They're mirroring one another.

It cuts when the driver walks in front of the camera but before then, when the officers first open the truck, they're doing so against a reasonably obvious green screen. But why and when it became green screen, I'm not sure.

I honestly think abd react the same way. "Molly! Oh…."

What if, let's say, your town is in a constant state of terror, you're sure people may be coming to you, for you or you'll meet them on the way, breaking up the group so a skeleton force stays behind to defend it…. let's say no one can actually let the person you're about to 'lock' out of the closet, would you still

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