
Why did Rickon have to pull a Prometheus and run in a straight line?

Yay to Tatianna coming back. As a straight man-fan who loves this show, she's still the only one I would sleep with in an instant. Haha!


Now That's What I Call Music!

Damn… I wrote this above. I should learn to read the comments before posting.
Anyway, I was here, now I'm not…… hey!

How do you not call this movie 'Now You Don't'? I know some people might be like "huh?" but I thought that name was a given.
'Now You See Me 2' yeah…. that's catchy!

Was Mandrake the Magician part of the 80s and 90s cartoon 'Defenders of the Earth'? (DEFENDERS! Great theme song)
Does anyone remember this or am I crazy?

It Takes a Nation of Billions for Box Office Bank.

Don't forget Janet Taylor!

You should watch more YouTube videos! Haha.

What I meant by an attribute that isn't needed is that being gay never informed the character before this point. The character has been established, has started on their path and journey without that attribute.

I bet the pain the defenders who only claim haters are misogynists, nothing else, are going through is made all the more acute by there being nothing more important in the world.

I still don't understand American's nervousness/anxiousness/unwillingness to use the word cunt. I'm glad more and more people use it. Everywhere else it's often used as a term of endearment.
No joke… cunts.

Why? Honestly? It doesn't add anything to his character, and it doesn't take anything away. It would just be an attribute that isn't needed as he's well fleshed out.
Why is this such an important point? It isn't just this but so many other characters people want to be gay. Why?

I thought he had an awesome win against Gilfoyle last week when he picked up on Gilfoyle's 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' reference as being wrong. The look of sheer bemusement and joy overcoming Dinesh's face as Gilfoyle realised he fucked up a nerd reference was beautiful!

Yeah I'm really surprised by the lukewarm response this episode received. Apart from last week's amazing ep, this one is right up there too for this season. And I know Dany's final battle cry was sort of pointless…. but holy shit it was hype!

Have you seen the extended cut? Even more dong is hanged.

Yeah… I felt so, SO awful for him. Fuck, this show can be harsh!

Holy shit….. I thought this was the season finale and was therefore quite underwhelmed with where they finished up. So happy there's more episodes! Yay!!!!

Far more than a 'B'. This was one of my fave eps. I wasn't a big fan of last season so I'm loving this one so far and this capped it for me