
During that scene I kept thinking "they're going to cop out and kill Rosita aren't they! Aren't they……?" And they actually copped out more than I thought they would (a shitty cliffhanger).

Yeah I have to say this may finally be the straw that broke the camel's back for me.

It's like you stole the thoughts out of my head!
I didn't like Debby at first but the last 2 eps revealed a savvy, cunning and strategic mind…..
And that all got thrown out tonight. As subtle as a spiked brick!

Stop getting Bond wrong!

Please know, I thought the 'comedy' was awkward as FUCK but Bob and Thorgy were brilliant, and really stole the show. That, plus rollerskate runway…? That's why I liked it so much. (Especially Bob stealing the shoe!)

I agree 100% with you lara. I can't see how so many other stereotypes are referenced, lampooned and utilised to great comic and/or dramatic effetct, but as soon as race is brought in (which it has in the past anyway….) that's crossing a line?

"I love the real talk Tasha Smith serves Robbie. Don’t play the victim…."

S3 and 4 are the best. Big time! But I thought this was a great ep. I was laughing throughout. Overall for the season, I would say B.

I'd take your threats seriously if you were the god damn Man-Spider!

I know this is lame but it's my only chance to:
I've met Katy Perry. In fact, me and my (now ex) girlfriend went to the USA from Oz for a holiday. Her friend had a friend who was Katy Perry's personal assistant. She mentioned she was having a party and asked Katy (via text) if we could come too. She said yes.
And it was

Yeah the 'Update.' video (including full stop at the end of the word update) was so, so SO passive aggressive! I couldn't believe it.

Pitty hot!


I know someone else writing a similar screenplay except it revolves around Rebecca Black. It's called 'Friday: Fun Fun Fun Fun' and it's a lot of…… work.

Nah Midge Simpson.

Haha, I read and re-read that sentence over and over again and thought "well, maybe being 'lit' isn't what they do…..??"
Glad to see I'm not the only pedant.

Yeah I saw the grade and thought fair enough too. I laughed a lot at Dee's directorial debut and Frank's art lover (I was hoping the fake name would be Mantis Toboggan, like the reviewer) but it just sort of…..was.
I love any Sunny ep but this was just run of the mill. I hope this isn't any indication of future

Haha I wrote the "he's all I think about" under another comment relating to KK and his voice.

What, is she funny or something?

(In Seinfeld High Talker voice/Ken Kratz's voice) He's all I think about.