
As much as I hated Effie during this series (seriously, she was so, so unprofessional) she looked actually sane last night.
However, all of that was undone with her look to camera after Len mentioned to Jason the Fiona character needs work. Her shit-eating "I told you so" grin was so immature, it's no wonder she's a

Yeah I loved the episode until his death. I mean, I knew it was coming but man…. it was just sooo poorly done and anti-climactic.
Rest of the ep though, brilliant!

Yeah I was surprised by the community grade. I really, really loved this episode. Eastman (the character) was a good, refreshing change of pace for the show. Someone who knows what's up, but isn't about to let that determine his actions.
The actor portraying him (John Caroll Lynch) was perfect in the role.
My only gripe

Who can spell that word?!

Best episode of the season for me! I actually laughed through pretty much the whole show.


My mum was 41 when she had me.

You say that like it's bad?!!

I had to look away once that lid revealed a fucking spider….

First time I've liked seeing her on screen!

Take all my upvotes!

Kass: “Spencer Bledsoe: zero percent chance of winning this game.”

I can't handle this, I'm going outta my head. But I think Phil is probably better off dead.

Na-ee-na… na-ee-na… na-ee-nananot going to drum anymore!

In Too Deep is the most moving pop song of the 1980s, about monogamy and commitment. The song is extremely uplifting. Their lyrics are as positive and affirmative as anything I've heard in rock

"She's an Enchilada"

I can't stop laughing at the idea of a fully formed Donald Pleasance, even with Blofeld scar, exiting the womb.

With updated Spitting Image puppets!!!

Come my lady, come come my lady.
You're my butterfly, sugar, baby.

Why don't you go purify yourself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka?