
As someone who loves Star Wars, Warren Zevon and writing parody lyrics… these were the best set of comments ever!

I shrunk into my chair and thought "ohhh fuck!" Glad he didn't!

Saying "boys will be boys" is generalising every boy as doing this. Check your privilege.

I fucking loved New Nightmare! (And I loved 4, watched it every week or more for almost 3 years)

They're all just making the world a better place.

"Let's see: Tidal…Pandora…Bold…Spotify…Apple Music…Gain…Wisk. I believe today I will try…Bold. Drake! How are you? How's the live stream?"

My desktop had parts in it that were over 10 years old and it still ran XP. It did everything I needed it to until just recently. If it ain't broke, don't replace it!

Couldn't agree more!

I haven't had the 'munchies' from weed since I was like 17. I'm in my 30s (born in the 30s more like it!) and can have a smoke in the morning and then not eat for a day and a half.

Yeah the deal is bizarre in that Sony, and more specifically Amy Pascal, get final cut/say/idea input/everything when it comes to the character of Spider Man. So, if they wanted to, they could veto anything they want….. I'm not sure it's what everyone wants or deserves.

Where do you stand on full penetration though?

That's my go-to song at karaoke. And I fuckin' kill it!

I was 9 when I bought my first album, 'Fear of a Black Planet' on cassette tape. I loved it and then went to Nation of Millions. LOVE Public Enemy (but I love NWA just as much).

Yeah whenever anyone mentions Lecter I instantly think of Mads now. To me, he IS Hannibal.

It's the only logical explanation.

Yeah I don't really see the point of this movie (as do many others) and I get a bad feeling that if it's not any good, it will be defended to death simply because of its gender politics. I'm not saying gender politics is bad, it's just that it will become an easy scapegoat and probably do more damage to the movement.

Knight of Ren? I'd prefer to see the Rockin' Knights of Summer. They'd take the threat level higher and higher.

I know I'm in the minority here but I didn't mind it….. I mean, a solid B, B+.
There's lots to get into but I thought it built a sense of dread rather well. Once the zombie stuff kicks in, I'm sure it'll get a lot better.
PS: That son is ANNOYING!

I LOVE tall ladies! I'm 6'1" ish but still can't find a girl interested in me who is taller.

What in that paragraph gives you the impression these drugs were given willingly?