
I had real problems getting into (new) Doctor Who because I couldn't shake off the nightmare that was Jude. It also didn't help that the only other thing I've seen Eccleston in was 'Cracker' which wasn't exactly flowers and sunshine either. I couldn't believe he'd ever do something that was not bleak and depressing.

Season 2 had some problems but overall I think they pulled it off.

Yes, I did - too bad there are no smileys available because I was joking as well.

Argh, enough of the dying jokes already. I just watched a full season of 'Legends' where Bean did not die at all (just almost a couple of times). And does this mean there won't be a season 2 of 'Legends'? That would make it Frankenstein's first kill.

Speaking of floppy hair: Finn's sudden turn to the dark side makes little to no sense (someone probably put a note on the writers' room whiteboard: 'S2 Finn needs more of an edge'). It seems to come out of the blue. Murphy's road to redemption makes more sense and even that is stretching credulity. (Btw. Murphy should

That would certainly explain the narrative derailing of season 2 (the less is said about season 3 the better). Veronica Mars would be on top of my list of shows that should have stopped after one season.

Ah, finally someone who remember 'Parker Lewis can't lose' too. Sometimes I think the show was just a figment of my imagination because it gets so little recognition. It deserves cult-status, dammit!

You'd think that by now he'd try to catch up a little. Trubel being the one who finally asked how Wesen were able to identify a Grimm was pretty funny but it was still jarring that Nick never thought of the question. Not the sharpest tool in the Wesen-killing kit.

Why is Katrina still wearing that corset? If it was for modesty (as if!) she sure as hell would not wear skinny jeans. The show is getting repetitive, Henry conjures a monster, Ichabod and Abby consult Dad's notebook/aunt Marie's trailer the underground library, find a solution (preferably in Ben Franklin's notes),

Awesome episode all in all. But it needs to be said - everyone (except poor Mel) in that rescuing scene was deserving of a Darwin award. If a member of your team is hell bent on some improv abseiling you do not stand around and gape. You actually try to secure the rope as good as you can. You might also want to check

I truly wish for an 11th commandement: thou shalt not abuse ellipses.

Back in season one Oliver's eye make-up was also pretty time consuming. It takes effort to smear camouflage paint in your face so that it still looks cool. Agreed on the buckles though-

Looks sensible enough - especially the boots. Too many buckles though. I wish they had put as much thought into the character's writing as they did in this costume. By now her hero's path is more or less a redemption arc for the writers - and it's still not convincing. They sacrificed her character during season one

With A-Z and Selfie both cancelled the AV club has at least two free spots for coverage.

Best episode of this season. That dialogue between Felicity and her mother was terrific (and made me miss Moira). It made great use of all characters (except the salmon ladder) and Thea banging on the secret lair's door was definitely the writers winking at the audience. Oliver's face when he was introduced to

Why is this supposed to be a big secret for the uninitiated? I haven't read the books but in the middle of season 2 I came up with this theory as well, checked on-line and there it was easily to be found. Apparently my Google-Fu is stronger than I thought.

Not in a world where NCIS still rules supremely. Where I live I can watch reruns -each- day of the week. And on most days even on several channels.

I gave up after book 3 or 4. Gabaldon's rape fetish started to worry me (yeah, that was in a happy pre-GoT era). And I hated the shtick of applying 20th century medical knowledge to old timey injuries/afflictions. It was cool the first time but after a while it got repetitive as hell. "What do we have here?

As much as I enjoyed this season I have to agree. They really need to stream-line the central narrative and clear up the motivations/backstories of various keyplayers (Mrs S might be the worst offender in that area). I've seen other shows falls apart because too many open questions/confusing plot developments were

I don't think Helena ever told Sarah or Art anything that had happened on the farm. This has been the most frustrating aspect of season 2. Nobody really pushed for an answer about what had happened to Helena. Neither while she was gone nor when she was back. I know there are ways to handwave that away (Sarah had other