
It's a great idea but somehow I doubt this would turn in a sisterly heart-to-heart considering they both have certain shortcomings when it comes to the necessary social graces. My dream team yet-not-seen would be Alison and Helena - just thinking of the hell those two could unleash makes my head spin. (Additional

My guess is that Helena and Sarah are different because they are twins. Pretty sure that was not part of the plan and when the splitting of the zygote occurred the sequence that was supposed to render them infertile was deactivated/destroyed - because science.

How come Leda and Castor did not know about each other? Didn't Duncan mention that the military had started Leda before it had been taken over by the Dyad group? It seems a weakness in their story-telling that they need to give so much additional info about the military/Paul's role/Castor and Leda (why did Mrs S know

He does not know? Color me surprised. Thanks for the info. But this makes me wonder about Paul's reaction - he must have known, interesting.

Well, I'm glad they finally gave us some more info on the military's involvement. As Mrs S once said about that faded photograph 'This has military written all over it.' And I was always wondering why the military would not have wished for a male clone line. Makes sense and did not come as a huge shocker. The clone

"Maslany, a Canadian actress who was basically unknown before this role…" I still remember seeing her in that episode of Flashpoint where she played the victim of a sexual predator suffering from Stockholm syndrome and still trying to protect the little girl he had brought home as her substitute. At the end of the

Don't forget Atlantis which I desperately tried to love but it just wasn't meant to be.

Historical accuracy be damned, I loved the costumes. And this series provides you with some serious landscape porn. Of course Capaldi makes a fantastic Richelieu but Ryan Gage as King Louis is superb - he plays the king as someone who is keenly aware that he's hardly ever the brightest person in the room (as long as

This was not a treatment for Kira but for somebody else. It's one thing to not ask a child whether it wants a treatment that it needs but it's a whole other situation when somebody wants to drill a hole in its bones without direct benefit to the child. The whole question of children as live donors gives lawyers,

Thanks for clearing up my biological confusion. As for dropping the ball on Helena - it's probably not so much jarring with regards to the characters but more with regards to the writing in general. We should have seen Art making some inquiries and probably wondering what the hell has happened to her.

I wish this review had focused a bit more on the topic of consent or lack thereof which was all over this episode. Helena was forced to 'give consent' to get her babies back (and being lied to in the process). Grace (and all the other women in that compound) was denied consent by her own father. Helena gave her back

It's all tucked underneath her bob above her neck. Rachel's got a lot of volume there, it looks like she (or rather her personal hairstylist) spent a lot of time with a blow dryer in order to get a look mere mortals could not afford an a daily basis - very much in character. But you can't pull off that look with a

German speaking guy on the train wasn't Renard's brother. I thought he was Meisner/the guy who executed the hit. On a side-note: he sounded like a native German speaker. Of course I still daydream that they cast Tom Wlaschiha and he would insist on using the correct pronounciation of 'Wesen' and everybody would follow

Despite all the drama and the big revelations - the thing that got me most excited was seeing Jake Coleman in the VP's bureau. Can't wait for what his character is up to.

So, there are twelve Russians working for HR/the Russian mob within the NYPD. Does Lansky know the other 11, or just 6 of them and the final 5 are a big secret? Also, what happened in October 1988?
I do hope Finch thinks of providing Root with a stack of her black nail polish - of course she might turn it into a