Johnny Satan

Finally gave this show a chance…I don't get the hype. Had to turn this thing off after about 10 minutes of non-hilarity.

Saw McDonald on the Steely Dan tour last night…face it, being connected to the Dan makes one cool.

Yeah, the inclusion of Fairplay and Eliza is dubious…you have to expect Steph and Boob Jon would come back for a 3rd try…or Judd for a 2nd.

That was a Steinem joke…she used to…oh, nevermind.

I didn't mean it implied anything bad.

Now that wasn't a reply…

damn it
I didn't mean that as a reply…so here's a reply to the above original post….

He'll be the first one to tell you, he'll do shitty things for money to pay the bills.

The bird call thing seemed natural to me. I mean, they're from Montana. Amanda is a trail guide. PLus, though annoying, it stood out from everyone else's yammering. So, I can see how it was strategic.

The first comment to ever make me laugh out loud.

That kind of episode
Man, I hate it when they try to make you think someone will force a tie…nobody hardly ever forces a tie! At least not someone "cowed" like Denise.

Let me guess
This is going to be raunchy, yet have a sweet heart of gold. The conclusion will resolve in confirming middle-class housewife values.

Court TV
Forensic Files junkie that I am, Court TV blares this name change atyou 5 times every commercial break….it needs to be much lower on the tolerability scale just for that.

I love James, but dude was no strategic genious…neither is Denise. Seems like nobody is thinking about thier position except Amanda, Todd, and the outsiders.

My son is addicted to this show…anything that turns kids on to science is cool. Who really cares about the host? There are 4 different hosts, I believe, and none seem to host "TO THE EXTREME"…so it's tolerable.

Angela is hot
Murder, She Wrote!

Michael's wisdom
Loved Michael's fantastic rationalization…"you expect to get screwed by your company"

From what I could tell, Amanda's ass is getting blurred due to a constant wedgie situation…but if they can blur her wonder ass, then why can't they blur Courtney's face?

This was explained last week…the Amazing Race observations are a generous bonus… I believe Survivor is the only reality show to get coverage now(and we almost lost it) so it's actually awesome that Noel throws them in there.

Wait…you mean it's not really goth to go on a CBS reality show?