Johnny Satan

No Firsties motherfuckers.

That must have been the only tickets available …

Dang, you mean I can't pay an ungodly ticket price (about$85 in Seattle) to see them?

Yeah, I have the feeling that the whole reality thing has lost it's luster and is on it's last legs.

Social CLass
Paul Fussell in the book "Class" points out the hierarchy of sport…the larger the ball and the more violent the sport, the usage of land, etc denotes social class…that's why there are more complaints about football and hockey fans being thugs than polo and yacht racing fans…

I didn't think Courtney needed that bikini top. I can't imagine she has anything I haven't seen on an 8-year-old boy.

I love it when a total moron like Courtney, goes against the group, with no logical plan in mind, gets smug and goes down in flames.

I once worked with a woman who babysat Maria when the Shrivers were in CA during the McGovern presidential campaign.

I guess I'm evil
Thought the Maxim take hilarious.

Part of the fun of watching this show was that once you felt sympathy for a character, they repulsed you. Everyone and noone was likeable.

From what I understand there was an incident at a finale that caused Probst to banish Fairplay to the outer reaches of douchedom.