
In "the walking dead" zombie series though, you come back as a zombie even if you don't die from a zombie bite. Not sure though if the death is from a head shot whether that would still apply.

Even if you do watch it live on TV, who doesn't just flip during commercials anyway? With baseball playoffs, friday night CFL games, the new Stargate (yes, I'm a geek), and such, I don't think I've ever seen a commercial while watching Dollhouse.

I guess this is good news?
Funny, just this Sunday on Thanksgiving, I actually saw my first episode of the original as my sister-in-law is a big fan and also harbours some sort of obscene crush on Jack Lord (she painted his portrait and it hangs in her bedroom). It was actually a lot of fun. I knew of the show and

Agreed. Every ad I see for this has silly situations but no real jokes or comedy being shown. Usually when there are shitty comedies being advertised, they show all the good jokes in the ads. But there are literally zero laughs in any of the ads for this one.

I second Telegraph Road. One of my favorite Dire Straits songs. Good story in that song too. Without looking it up, I wonder if it was just under 10 minutes or something?

Non-fan liked the premiere
I have to say that I really enjoyed the premiere on Friday. I never followed any of the series (I remember enjoying the movie) but was a BSG and Trek fan, amongst other sci-fi shows. I always thought the other Stargate shows just seemed to have cheap/poor production values that turned me

Non-fan liked the premiere
I have to say that I really enjoyed the premiere on Friday. I never followed any of the series (I remember enjoying the movie) but was a BSG and Trek fan, amongst other sci-fi shows. I always thought the other Stargate shows just seemed to have cheap/poor production values that turned me

The walking dead is awsome. I'm up to I think the 7th or 8th graphic novel collection (they are still in the prison but shit is gonna go down in the next book). Too cheap to buy them though, so I get them from the library. Can't wait to see the show on AMC.

Probaby at Super Sexe. Is that still there?

Yeah, and then when we destroy the planet because of our oil dependency and throw-away lifestyles we'll end up just like the movie 9!

Just saw this
Not that anybody will ever read this feed on a year old review, but I just saw the DVD for Boy A yesterday and my wife and I really loved it. It was very moving and the main actor was outstanding. I agree that the side story of the one son was unnecessary.

Great reviews
I really like the format for Noel and Scott's TIFF coverage this year. Sometimes the coverage of these festivals gets a bit weird what with guest star reviewers and such, but this was a nice succinct way of summarizing the films, giving us a clip, and telling us whether they are worth seeing. I'm also

it's got electrolytes?
I guess that's what gamers (and plants) crave?

In front of inglorious basterds we got the christmas carol jim carrey movie (blah), avatar (trailer looked much better on the big screen then on the internet so I'll probably at least rent it), law abiding citiizen (meh), and one for a armoured car heist move where they gave away the ENTIRE movie in the trailer, even

That's tough! 15 minutes isn't really long enough to cat nap. I wonder if you could just lie on the hood of the car and sleep!

This is probably answered in another thread, but were the contestants allowed to take a piss? Or did they just squat over a drain with a hand on the truck (or wear depends!). No way I could go 77 hours without a pee break.

Yeah, youngblood was an awsome movie. Lots of hockey violence. And some good nudity too!

Ioan Gruffudd still gets a lifetime pass for me because of those Horatio Hornblower movies he did. Those were awsome fun and amazing production values. Plus great casting. It was hilarious seeing Jamie Bamber (BSG) playing a snivling loser, completely opposite his BSG role. Of course, it was neat seeing him with

I don't know if 'craptacular' is right. But I know what you mean Edgewise. When I read game reviews on avclub for a shitty game, I know enough not to buy the thing. But for games with good reviews, there is usually so much detail lacking in the review that I still need to seek out more reviews (gamespot, etc.) to

whaling is needed!
Without sealing and whaling, where would be able to get Genuine Saskatchewan Sealskin Bindings? Super Dave would be aghast.